Chapter 19

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"Guys, slow down! I'm terrified! Ahh!" Ally screamed as the girls were hiking up some rocks in the forrest. She was never the out doorsy kind but she made an exception for her best friends.

"Calm down, Smalls. You should be used to this by now," Dinah groaned.

"I'll never be. Why do we have to go so far deep in the woods each time?" Ally whined.

"And...we made it!" Lauren hopped off a log and landed in the middle of their newly established camp site in the good state of Virginia.

"Finally," the shortest quickly took off her backpack and sat down in the grass near a tree. The wilderness was exhausting to her.

"Damn, it's hot," Camila took off the bag she was carrying and bent over to rest her hands on her knees.

"Um, try carrying an extra backpack while you're going up a big ass hill," the green-eyed girl playfully glared before looking out on top of the hill at the mountains surrounding them.

"Thanks, Lolo," Camila smiled cheerfully as Lauren offered to carry her heavy backpack for her as they were hiking. She swooned when Lauren graciously insisted and Lauren wanted to impress the younger one just how chivalrous and strong she was.

"Dinah and I will get started on our tent," Normani said, grabbing the tent set for the five of them.

"Uh, what do you mean Dinah and I?" the Polynesian placed her hands on her hips.

"Just come on," Normani huffed and grabbed her by the arm.


"Well, this is it. Lolo and ManiBear's last camping trip before they go to high school," Dinah said as all the girls sat around the camp fire roasting marshmallows. They set up their tent, had already gone swimming, tanned, and were making the best of their annual camping trip.

"Yes! I'm so excited and happy for you guys!" Ally clapped joyfully. "My babies are growing up."

"Yep," Lauren nodded, looking at the fire. "Ninth grade...I'm so old," she chuckled.

"Don't forget about us," Camila jokingly pouted.

"Well, I can't associate myself with some lame middle schoolers anymore," the brunette rolled her eyes but laughed.

"Like I had to do all year?" Ally joked.

"Girl, you were over at my house everyday waiting for me to get home from school," Normani giggled at the oldest.

"And I baked you some delicious cookies to treat you," Ally pointed warmly.

"True." The rest of the girls laughed at Normani and Ally and how they were practically a married couple.

"It's kind of cool how some of us are the same age and then different ages, yet we still come together like this and be the best of friends. Like, sisters even," Lauren grinned. "I love you guys so much. I'll never forget about you."

"Aww, Lo! Come here," Dinah pulled her in for a tight hug.

"We're the fab five!" Lauren exclaimed and brought in the rest of the girls for a big group hug.

"I think this calls for a song," Camila spoke and then Lauren reached behind her to grab her acoustic guitar.

The girls all sang:

Well, open up your mind and see like me,

Open up your plans and damn you're free.

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