Chapter 9

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February 2015

Camila's POV

This was supposed to be one of the best days of our careers. And while for most of the band it was, others not so much. Unfortunately, Lauren's grandmother had passed away the day our debut album released, February 3rd. The news was absolutely awful and devastating. The look on Lauren's face when she found out was heartbreaking; a look I never wanted to see plastered on her beautiful face again.

And what could I say to her in that moment? Only "I'm so sorry" and probably "she was such a great woman who will always be remembered" since the girls and I did know her. But that's all you can really say to someone who literally just lost not only a family member, but someone so close to them and who was incredible important in their life. Lauren really loved her abuelita, we all did, and at least we were there for our best friend, giving her all our kind love and wishes on this day.

"Again, I'm so sorry for your loss," I said softly to Lauren before she was about to take off for Miami. We were in New York City and had performed on The Today Show this morning and done an album signing, but Lauren had to go be with her family now.

"Thank you," she whispered, trying to hold back tears which made me feel bad as I didn't want her to cry again.

"I'll call you. I'll call you everyday while you're gone. Or just text you if know...don't wanna talk. It's completely up to you," I assured.

"It's fine. You can call and text whenever you want. I'll try my best to get back to you." The low, depressed tone in her voice somehow made me feel guilty. I just didn't know what to do. Give her time and space or hug her and say more things in attempt to make her feel better? No option seemed right.

"Just whatever you want, baby," I let out in hushed tone. All she did was nod.

"Mija, it's time," Clara knocked on the hotel room door.

"I gotta go," Lauren mumbled.

"I love you so much," I gave her one last hug that made me tear up. As she walked down the hallway with her mom, hot tears blurred my vision and I couldn't help but let them stream down my face. I lightly cried, watching my girlfriend go until my own mother came out to console me.


"She barely talked...I just felt terrible. I still do," I said to Dinah as we hung out in her room.

"You were there for her, Walz. You did what you could do and she appreciates that," she replied.

"But was it enough?" I looked at her seriously. "I was there for her but she was really quiet yesterday and hasn't really texted me today."

"Don't beat yourself up over it. You gave her love and support to not only her but to the rest of her family. You talked to Clara, messaged Mike, Taylor, Chris, her cousins...I think Lauren definitely knows how much you're trying to comfort her. You're praying for her and giving her all you got. Just give her some time to be with her family, grieve, and when she comes back, she'll probably talk to you about it some more and catch you up on how she's handling the loss."

That made sense. I couldn't let this get the best of me. "You're right. I'll give her time," I nodded, trying to regain confidence. I just felt at this time that I could be doing more. Now more than ever since Lauren's my girlfriend and I'm even more than a best friend. But I had to stay back and be with the girls for our album release week.

We were beyond excited that Reflection had finally come out. It had been too long of a wait but it was out and felt like such a big relief. The feedback from the fans was incredible too as they seemed to really enjoy it. And with the tour just around the corner, it would be even more of a celebration of our first album. Our hard work had payed off especially seeing it place at #1 on iTunes. And getting to perform the songs we put our blood, sweat, and tears in for our fans who in return do so much for us, is just the greatest feeling in the world.

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