Chapter 16

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Camila's POV

After months of planning, preparation, and a hell of a lot of anticipation, the girls and I were finally going back to the UK! We had a ton of work to do of course, but just being in England made it all the more better. We were just happy to be there.

Also, we were going to perform at Capital Summertime Ball! The stadium was supposed to be around 80,000 people which is our biggest crowd yet, making us way more excited and nervous. But the whole trip was going to be an amazing experience for sure.

One of the first things we did when we got here was unfortunately interviews. We had spent hours in them, talking about Reflection and Worth It, and it seemed to take forever. But I found that the interviewers in the UK were kind of a lot better and more fun than the ones in America. I was happy that day and so were the girls while we were in this great country.

In one of them, we got to draw self portraits, read some type of movie script that was playful and cute, and had tons of laughs all in between. Also, the one with Sugapuff was awesome. He was so fun, dancing, and joking around, but the funniest part had to be when Dinah explained what a boss lady meant to her and Lauren followed up with "girls who do themselves." Everyone found it hilarious and a little embarrassing according to Lauren, but it was all jokes.

Lauren looked beautiful that day as well. She always does but even more so and sexy in her buttoned down green shirt. And her long black hair that flowed down her back and past her shoulders made her so irresistible. I liked that we were interacting a lot in the interviews which we couldn't normally do. We looked and smiled at each other way more than usual, she laughed at some things that I said, and mocked my dumb humor. I loved it so much. I knew the fans would freak out too with their Camren fantasies.

"Dinah, will you please stop reading those fan fiction stories?" I huffed at her in her hotel room once we were finally done for the day.

"Why? These are so good," she eyed her phone intently.

"I know they're good but-"

"Like, girl, you got hit by a freakin' car and almost died. This shit's intense!"

I looked at her confused, "You scare me sometimes. But I like the soccer one," I shrugged admitting the truth.

"Well, I'm so excited for this Summer and everything filled in it. The UK, Hawaii, clothing campaigns, tour, award shows. This is the life, Mila!" she exclaimed, lying back on her king sized mattress and sipping her tea.

"The life indeed," I chuckled, sipping my own tea. "And with the best girl in the world, I have nothing to lose," I smiled at Lauren who quietly came in the room.

"Aww, thanks!" Dinah grinned as her eyes were closed, thinking I was talking about her.

"Not you, boo," I giggled, wrapping my arms around my girlfriend and kissing her sweetly.

"Not me either. You're the best girl in the world," Lauren flirted.

"I try my hardest to get away from y'all and you keep bothering me! Get out of my room!" Dinah yelled and threw a pillow at us as we made out.


"So, baby, what do you want to do for your big 19th birthday bash?" I asked Lauren while we sat out by the pool at night and lightly drank our cocktails. There was a dim light but everything was pretty dark.

"Uh...not have a big 19th birthday bash," she answered with a giggle.

"What?" I sat up on the lounge chair. "You have to do something for the big day."

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