0.1 - their lives

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HI.First DRARRY story.Hope ya like it:)


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**Chapter One - Their lives

"You may now go,Potter."Kingsley smiled warmly at an exhausted Harry.Harry smiled back."You look really tired.Get a rest,alright?"He nodded.

He'd been working all night to find the infamous wizard who were stealing artifacts in the Ministry.The one thing he and the other fellow Aurors never understand is that he's a wizard.Why would he steal if he can just magic it?

Harry sighed and Apparated to the Grimmauld Place,his godfather,Sirius Black had given to him.

When he got home,he was greeted by his only daughter,Lily.

"Daddy!"Lily cried.He grinned and carried his daughter into his arms,suddenly all the tiredness he felt gone.

"How is my little princess?

"James is being mean to me!"She pouted.Harry chuckled.

"Was not!"James' screech can be heard throughout the place.He came in with a frown in his face,following by Albus and Ginny.

Harry pecked his wife on the cheek,Ginny smiled and chuckled.

"Ugh,Mom! Dad!"-Al


"I think it's very cute."-Lily

"That because you're a girl."James rolled his eyes.Before the two would start quarrelling,his wife called it a night.

But Harry can't sleep.He wasn't thinking about the thief.All he can think about is a certain blonde man named Draco Malfoy.


"Healer Dwaco!"A little girl squealed and ran towards Draco.He chuckled and scooped her in his arms.

Draco Malfoy is now working as a Healer at St.Mungos.He carried her and kissed her forehead,grinning.

Charlotte Evans.Charlotte have a rare disease,or Cancer if that's why they call in the Muggle world.

After graduating at Hogwarts,he studied at a local Muggle university.He was so curious at how things work in the muggle world,though never admitting it.

He never really hated Muggles,or Muggle-borns.He just dislike Hermione Granger because she was close to Harry Potter.

And Draco never hated Harry,he was secretly inlove with the Chosen One.He just hated feeling it.

"Healer Dwaco?"Lottie peered curiously Draco,who was fazed.

"What? Oh,I'm sorry,princess."Draco shook his head."How are you,Lottie?"

"I'm greaaaat!"She answered cheerfully and she started babbling about what happened to her.

Draco admired Lottie.She's strong,despite of her disease,she'll smile and bid everyone 'good day'.She was a Squib.Her pureblood parents disown her.Draco was infuriated at her parents,but then remembered that he,too,despised Muggleborns/Muggles/Squibs when he was young.

Couple of hours later,Draco looked at Lottie,fast asleep on his lap.He tucked Lottie in bed,kissed her cheek and mumbled "Goodnight,my little survivor."

He Apparated to the Malfoy Manor,where he,his wife,and his son lives.

He saw his wife watching a Muggle T.V.He also bought Muggle things in his house,much to Astoria's dismay,but eventually liked it.

He sat on the couch,kissed his wife on the cheek and asked."Where's Scorpius?"

"Asleep."mumbled his wife,distractedly.

"What are you watching?"Draco asked and looked at the television.

"A movie about vampires and werewolves."She answered.

"That's weird."Draco commented,but Astoria shushed him.

Decided that his wife would stay up all night,he slept,having dreams about the green-eyed man or more commonly known as Harry Potter.


Oh god that was horrible im sorry


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