0.8 - numb

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**Chapter Eight - Numb

"Potter Malfoy?" Head Auror Lawrance Cleave's deep,attractive voice called. "Can I come in?" There was a click on the door,a sign that he had come in.

Draco's mind went blank,he couldn't think of what to do. Would he truly risk the chance? He closed his eyes tighter,whispering in barely audible voice "I'm sorry,Harry," then punched him,sending him on the ground.

"I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH,POTTER!"Draco yelled,punching him and tackled him on the ground.He fought the threatening tears to spill,the word 'sorry' only thing in his mind.

Harry's mind raced with hundreds of emotion: frustration, confusion,sadness and most of all; anger. Draco punched him again,making him moan on pain. Harry stood up,meeting Draco's bluish gray eyes and punched him harder than Draco did.

"WELL,GUESS WHAT?! I HATE YOU MORE!"Harry's voice laced with venom and anger,but he was lying.He loved Draco with all of his heart and with just one apology from Draco,he will gladly accept it.

"POTTER! MALFOY! YOU TWO,STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!," Auror Lawrhance' superior voice roared,making the two men stop."SUSPENSION! NO BUTS!"

Harry Apparated,expecting this from the start.He went to his parents' and Sirius' grave.

It was covered in snow,Harry hadn't even noticed that Christmas is approaching.Snowflakes dripping on his body,making him numb,just like his heart.

He heaved a long sigh.He cast a spell to turn a simple leaf into a beautiful,pale rose.He put the glittering rose beside the grave.

He smiled sadly "Hey mum,dad,bud,"He sniffed "How are you up there? Everything's fine here,well not really.."Harry struggled to find the words to say.

He knows it's odd and unusual to talk with dead people,but it comforts him.It make him feel less alone.

"Mum,dad,Sirius? Can I-can I say something?,"

Harry sneezed and wiped his nose with his sleeve.He felt like a little boy who stole a candy and was about to confess it.He smiled.

He sometimes wonder if Voldemort never existed.He imagined a life with his family,whole family.He imagined him,James,Sirius and Remus pranking each other.He imagined himself being a Marauder. But no,Voldmort have to come and ruin it.

"I-I'm gay,"He croaked.He didn't care about the coldness he's feeling,it doesn't matter right now."I'm in love with a man.A married,straight man," He chuckled bitterly. "A man who hates me for 26 years.A man who once worked with everyone's enemy.My enemy,"He sniffed,his back aching."I know that it's wrong and stupid but I love him.I don't care what everyone will think.I just wanted to be with him,"

"I love Draco Malfoy."Was Harry's last words until he passed out.


Heeeeeeey! I'm back! Thank you guys soo much for the support and concern and I miss you guys so much! Um yeah,I'm really sorry for the wait.:S Turns out my problem is fixed and i can updateeee!


- freakish girl xo

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