0.7 - pretending

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**Chapter Seven - Pretending

It has been a week since Draco started working as an Auror at Ministry,as for Draco and Harry,it was the most awkward week of their life,ever.

Right now,Harry is sipping Butterbeer with his best friend,Ron Weasley at the Leaky Cauldron. He flipped through the Daily Prophet,as usual all the news were boring and controversial but one article caught Harry's eyes.

Malfoy split?!

Draco (formerly known as a Deatheater) and Astoria Malfoy separated?! The picture above shows Astoria and some man,laughing giddily and looks rather happy! Also,we spotted Draco Malfoy weeping? Are they separated? We wonder!

Harry furrowed his brows,wanting to curse the Daily Prophet. 'Can't Skeeter get a proper job and stop minding people's business?!'

"Hey,Harry are you alright?"

"Yeah,fine.Just annoyed at the news.,"

"Hey,mate. Heard you have problems in your departments?"Ron looked sympathetic. 

"Yeah. And the worst thing is I'm working it Malfoy."Harry acted as if the world was gloomy. Even if Ron's his best mate,he still cannot tell him that he is secretly gay and in love with a straight man-let alone Draco Malfoy.

Ron choked,causing some Butterbeer come from his nose. Harry looked at him,amused."Hey,you alright?"Harry did a simple spell at Ron,the coughing stopped.

"Thanks,"He mumbled,ruffling his ginger hair "But,are you serious?!"

"No,I'm Harry.,"Harry joked.

"Wha-? Ohhh.,"Ron laughed.

A minutes of chortling session later,Ron and Harry finally calmed down."So,Malfoy,eh?" 

"Yeah," Harry nodded "Look,I really need to go.Aren't you coming as well?"

"Nah,I'm gonna wait for Hermione.,"

"Oh,date?"Harry suggested.Ron's cheek turned into a shade of scarlet red and nodded.

Harry chuckled and Apparated.


It was a late afternoon,the two were working,still. The awkward silence annoyed Harry.He decided to converse,or more like humiliate himself.

"Uh,lovely weather?"He commented,immediately regretted it.

Draco looked at Harry bemusedly "It's raining."

"Rain is cool?,"

Draco chuckled and shook his head. Harry flushed.

"Draco?"Harry looked at him nervously.


"Uhh,can I ask you something...personal?"Harry asked anxiously,he's been itching to ask Draco about him and Astoria.

"Sure,"Draco looked confused,which Harry thinks 'too cute'.

"is it true that you and Astoria are...off?"Harry faltered.

Draco grit his teeth "Where'd you get that information?"

"In the Daily Prophet,"Harry paused "It's alright y-"


Harry went quiet.

But something caught Harry's breath and cause all the butterflies comes flying his stomach. Draco leaned in,praying he had done the right decision.


A/N i know,it's short and crappy! but i hope you like it???¿¿¿ 

btw could you guys check out my story : Harry Potter : The Last Horcrux ? Thanks!

Love lots ∞,


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