2.0 - unanswered questions

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**Chapter Twenty- Unanswered Questions

Harry woke up with an uncomfortable position.Ginny was clinging up to his neck and Harry couldn't help but squint his eyes.The sunlight was blinding him and he can't see properly.He took his glasses,adjusting.

Harry cringed.He softly nudged the redhead,earning a soft groan from her.Ginny squinted her eyes,sitting up."Good morning,love."She smiled,her eyes crinkling.

Harry faked a smile."Good morning,Gin."He kissed her forehead,guilt overflowing in his mind.

Ginny was slowly leaning in.Harry just stared at her face,inching away.He felt like betraying Draco...which is weird since he's the one who's lying to Ginny.

"Ah,Gin...?"Harry said,uncomfortable."I need to err-bathe..."

"Oh,"Ginny stared at him after she uttered those words,making Harry nervous.'She's suspecting me...Mother of Merlin,help me.'"Okay,go ahead."

Harry nodded,face pale then dashed to the bathroom.


Draco swaggered in the hallways,whistling a happy tune.It was a giddy afternoon,everything is certain.Not until someone yelled,"Expelliarmus!"

Draco staggered,more shocked than hurt.He quickly drew his wand and yelled,"Stupefy!"

The man fell and moaned in agony.Draco glared and crucioed him."You should know that I'm a Death Eater you fucktard!"

Draco walked closer to the mystery wizard and grab his collar,"You?!" (( a/n - Mystery Wizard haha i cant wtf is wrong with me lmao kbai ))


Ginny Weasley stared at the wall,a lot of things bugging her mind.

"GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY!"Her friend,Azalea,yelled.

"Huh? What is it,Azi?"Ginny looked at her,bored.

"Are you even listening to me?! Ah,nevermind! You weren't!"She groaned.

"Sorry,I was err-daydreaming?"Ginny lied.

"Uh-oh...what's up?"Azalea asked worriedly.

"Sherlock Holmes.About to fall."Ginny replied quickly,staring at...nothing.

"I didn't know you like Sherlock Holmes."Azalea raised her eyebrows.

"I do now."Her friend sighed,"Seriously,what's bugging you,Gin?"

"I just...Harry is being oddly weird."Ginny sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah,well you know? He seems to be more inspired and happier! And he,as much as possible,makes excuses to kiss or hug me! He also spends so much time in work,"Ginny said sadly.

"Oh,Merlin."The brunette widen her eyes and bit her lips.

"What? What is it,Azi? Tell me!"

"I think...I think Harry's cheating on you?"


hallo my companions!

yes,i leave you with that because i'm evil bahahahaha

anyways,thank you so much for the comments in the last chapter...means a lot to me.i guess i just..lose my confidence..im sorry.

i love you all okay stay perfect x


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