2.4 - agony

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Warning: Depressive and triggering chapter.

**Chapter Twenty four - Agony

"B-Break up?"Draco's voice cracked and suddenly Harry regretted saying those words.'God,I was so stupid.'"Why?"He asked,jaw tense.

"I don't want to stress Ginny more"Harry replied,his voice thick."Plus,people will think that I'm disgusting and queer."

Draco remained calm but with Harry's face,he failed."I understand tha you care for Ginny and you feel guilty but you know what Harry James Potter? You repel me,"Draco's eyes were wild.It was full of anger and rage.Harry had never seen someone's eyes so wild."You said to take chances! You said be brave! You said you love me and you don't care what they think! Well,sod that! You said that you will never leave me."Draco was crying now but he was still angry."Fuck you,Potter.Go rot in hell!"He sneered,teeth gritting then Disapparated.

Harry was about to take those words back.Harry was about to say that he regretted it.Harry was about to say that he doesn't want to let go,but it was too late.It was over and all can Harry do was to stare at the spot where Draco left.His lips trembled and the tears flow freely.He could only break down as Draco walked away.What has he done?


Draco stared at his relief.His stress-reliever.His one and only blade.He never thought that he would use it again.It was broken,though."Repairo,"He mumbled and it was like new again."Hello,my old friend.We meet again,"

Slowly,Draco dragged the triggering object across his wrist,across his abdomen and his legs and arms.Chanting insults about himself and smiled,feeling the calmness and relief.Oh,he had miss this sensation.

"Stupid,pathetic,alone,"Draco cuts deeper in every insults,"You deserve to die.You deserve all of this.You don't deserve him,"

Draco stared at the bloody blade then to his skin,the bright red blood contrasts greatly with his pale skin.He dropped the blade then stared at it numbly."What have I become?"


Draco Malfoy stared at the muggle equipment infront of him then at his wrist,and the blood dried.He hadn't bothered to wiped or clean the blood.It was useless,he was useless,everything was useless.

"Draco?"A familiar voice called out to him,"Draco,are you here?"He remained silent,he just wanted to die.

"Draco? Draco-oh my God! Blood!"Astoria Greengrass yelped and jumped slightly,Draco knew she hated blood."Why is there blood here?!"

Her eyes darted to Draco's bloodied wrist,"You..y-ou cut?"She asked quietly.

Draco remained silent,numb...emotionless.

Seconds later,Astoria went to hug the blonde,"Just let it out."She said,patting his back.Draco layed still but he didn't realize that tears were already streaming,nonstop.Draco cried quietly-inaudibly even.Only sniffs and hiccups comes from but nevetr wails or sobs.It lasted for thirty minutes or so and Draco finally calmed down.

"Would you mind...telling me what happened?"The wavy brunette asked quietly.

"Harry..."Draco croaked,his voice hoarse and his eyes red and puffy.Astoria urged him to go on.

"Break..up..."He choked and put his hands on his face,ashamed.'You're so weak and desperate.You don't deserve to be a Deatheater,Draco.You don't deserve to be my son,'His father's voce echoed in his head and once tears sprung freely from his eyes.

Astoria gasped."B-but..I thought you were happy! You told me that-that-"

"He was t-too guilty ab-about W-Ginny,"He said sadly.

Astoria stared at him,"Draco...I'm so sorry but I can't give you an advice about that...I d-don't know either."Draco remembered that last time when she said that he should drop off his Slytherin cowardice.He was so offended and shocked.He didn't know she could burst out like that.

Draco smiled bitterly,"It's alright.I'm a co-"

"But I do have one thing in mind."She interrupted with a small smile.

"Never m-"

"Be a Gryffindor,for once. For Harry."

author's notie:

poor harry and draco ;-; i made myself sad lol.

im sorry it was a bit short...i promise the next one will be longer

sorry for the late upload! i didnt noticed that it was already more than 30 votes lol anyways hope you enjoyed this! 40 votes pls? xo

edited: 9/4/5 hi! so i'm dropping by to dedidate this chapter to Write_me227,my first Wattpad bestfriend and she was one of the people who inspired me! thank you sososososo much for everything <3 i love you,D! mwahhhh xxx


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