xxxv | t h a n k y o u

59 11 18

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E 

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT <3 I've reached 1K thanks to all you lovelies, and you can't believe how happy I am! One of my goals on Wattpad was to reach 1K on one of my stories, and I feel like I'm dreaming, I actually reached it? (Should I consider joining the Wattys? I won't win, but I'll get more attention.) It's all because of you guys that made me keep writing and not give up. I don't know where I would be without you amazing people. Know that you made a difference in my life, even if I don't know who you are or how you look like. You are all beautiful people and Wattpad was the best choice I have ever made in my life. 

SPECIAL THANKS TO A COUPLE OF PEOPLE, going to miss some people (i really tried, scrolled as far as my notifications would go, so I know that some people may not be recognized), but know that everyone is loved. 

/ / m y  f r i e n d s  o u t s i d e  o f  W A T T P A D //


(with her effervescent personality and eagerness to read everything I write)


(a pyscho hiding behind a face of innocence ;) )


(always persistent, no matter what happens! thanks for the inspiration) 


 (been with me since the beginning, i love you!)


(always so helpful!)


(extremely kindhearted and beautiful, willing to help me whenever)

/ /   the ones who never left me / /   

((okay, sorry, I couldn't think of a better title)) 

/ /  those who deserve a cookie, food, and a lot of sleep + a frap on me if i ever meet you in real life  / / 

((that sucks too))

/ / my  W A T T P A D  b a e s / /

((i guess that works))


((why isn't the orange thing popping up?)) 

(for being soooooo encouraging, helpful, and all around amazing!

mermaids aren't myth everyone ;) )


(thanks for being so supportive! keep writing poetry :) ) 

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