xxxi | s a l t

49 13 2


she cries on the cold white tiles

of the bathroom floor

offset by black shadows 

and if she were trying to make 

this a story she would say they 

dance, but they don't 

they just watch and offer her 

some satired comfort 

she wants to be sucked down

the drainage like the water 

of the shower trickling through her 

hair and down her back - 

turn off the shower, you're wasting the water

so I should waste my tears instead? 

tears are bitter salt water and they've

never saved a person from thirst before

the shower water can't wash away 


salt water's never saved a person before. 

shadows won't leave, they are my silhouette

perhaps they are a mirror image of me

rubbing salt in a wound is all you do nowadays. 

salt can heal wounds. 

I guess there's always pain before the warmth. 

i wish i could tell you it gets better from here, 

but it only gets worse. 

just the calm before the storm. 

is the storm salt water? 

it's toxic, it's as toxic as this life

shower water doesn't wash away me, 

sometimes i wish i'd filter through 

like sand through fingertips

waste your tears

abandon everything 

become nothing but white tiles 

and salt tears

make me a mosaic, 

break it like you break everything

but you're scared to pick up the shards of glass

broken glass 

is frozen salt tears

life's fluorescent ceiling lights

i settle for warm bedside lamps

they make good shadows,

salt tears are prettiest when they make 

scopes and prisms in your eyes

and broken glass makes the prettiest 

tainted art

abandon everything, pain will part

you ask me to abandon everything, 

i abandon everything but my silhouette

and traces of toxic tears. 

A/N I tried a new style, not sure how it worked, give me feedback!

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