xxxviii | h u e

45 10 2

A / N : I'm in a major writer's block and my summer is literally school. I'm sooooo busy -- so I'm posting another old poem! It rhymes, too, how impossible! ;) 

H U E 

The cage you have confined me in is thin

Snip snip and these helium chains drift up

To swallow you whole, trapping you in

All those wrong stereotypes, I have been.

You are drawn in charcoals, ashes, and blues

And the world has changed to a monochrome

The colors of diversity, these hues

Vibrant and lively, all turned to stone.

I must not be bitter, but you should know,

That all races deserve respect and love.

Our differences should be painted in gold,

The cages of the mind we rise above.

So let us take up these broken remains,

The song of hues lives in all of our veins.

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