xxix | s i d e w a l k

60 13 2

Cracked Sidewalk

why is it 

when things end and leave

is when we truly appreciate 

it fully

and as I take 



that seem to 

vibrate the cracked, familiar 


i find myself counting my steps 



in consecutive pairs 

of fours and threes 

in each square,

kicking close-to-identical pinecones, 

one by one

watching it roll irregularly off the sidewalk,

skidding in bounces of 


and tracing the cracks

with my 



and then i realize 

this is my last day 

with my space Vans against

the old worn edges, 

balancing on the red block of color, 

imagining myself on a tightrope, 

trying to reach the other side. 

my last day 

walking home with friends,

obnoxiously singing songs

or gossiping about people.

and i realize

 these small cracks

have become my routine 

and part of my daily life, 

a metaphor mirror back

at me, displaying my flaws

as a human being. 

i turn and watch as it

fades behind me,

this overused sidewalk with

the wonderful cracks, 

and i hope

that this sidewalk and this 

school i am walking away from

remembers the sound of my

eager and impatient footsteps

watercolor thoughts [completed]Where stories live. Discover now