xxxxiv | u n t i t l e d

39 10 5

A/N : sorry guys, I've been on a semi-hiatus lately, so here's a poem for y'all! isn't the best, but since it's been awhile, please give some feedback! from now on i strive to post at least once a week. 

some questions about love

i struggle to answer

why why why

does someone pour their

sleepless nights and drink

rivers of tears,

why an entire workings of 

the heart malfunctions 

with a single face, 

why the brain seems to not

have a function

designed against the cage of 

love. i fail to answer why we 

reach for the attainable 

i fail to answer why we fall

in this cycle.

love is a drug, love is circle,

love is wolf in sheep's skin. 

i decided to replay all your

favorite songs over and over again

and it tasted bitter in my


but i still want you here.

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