Chapter 11 - I've Missed You

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Russells POV

It had been a few days since Archies death. I wasn't sure how long. I spent everyday in our room so I didn't know how long I'd been in there. I didn't feel like moving. I'd practically lost my best friend.
I would wake up every morning with Y/N by my side who would talk to me even though I wouldn't respond. I would stay there while she would go down stairs, and then come back up half an hour later with breakfast and a pair of freshly ironed clothes. Some times I wouldn't eat or get dressed, sometimes I would. She would then leave and go out to work, come home, check on me and take away the breakfast which I might have not even touched, clean and tidy up the house a bit, and then make dinner. I never came down for it. She would bring both of our plates up on trays where we would eat together on the bed. That was the only time where I would definately eat. She would then take the plates back down stairs to clean them up, have a shower and then join me back again in bed where she would tell me about her day and keep me company until we fell asleep.
I felt like an arse hole.
She carried on caring for me even though I hadn't talked or made any interaction with her for ..... days? I wasn't sure how long it had been.
I felt pathetic, and I hadn't even said thank you.


It had been over two weeks since Archies death. I didn't know if Russell was aware of how long he had been in our room for. I started to work every day of the week as Russell wasn't working. I had to tell this agent and they postponed the filming of his show for 3 weeks. I really had to start getting Russell to try and get up. He would be devastated if he lost his job. I was really worried about him ... and I didn't know what to do. He wasn't happy. His birthday was in less than a week and I hadn't planned anything because I've been too busy looking after him. I doubt he'd be in the mood to celebrate anyway.

I'd returned from yet another day at work. I checked on Russell, cleared his plate which surprisingly was empty. I then tidied up, made dinner which we both ate, cleared the plates, had a shower and climbed in to bed next to Russell. By this point I would normally start talking to him so that he had company but this time was different.

When I got into bed, Russell spoke. He hadn't said a word in so long, and I had missed his voice so much. "Y/N... I'm so sorry"
I turned to him. "For what"
"I haven't done anything for days Y/N. Every day you've had to look after me like I'm a baby and I haven't acknowledged you at all."
"Russell, it's been nearly three weeks"
"... what?"
"You've been like this for nearly three weeks."
"But what about the show?"
"I told them. They postponed filming for 3 weeks so you're gonna need to go to work soon. I'm worried you'll lose the job"
"... shit. Ok I will Y/N. Thank you for everything...... wait .... how can I have been like this for over a fortnight? You've gone to work every day".
"I worked weekends because you weren't working and I wanted to make sure we had enough money"
"Oh my god I'm such an arse hole! I'm so sorry!"
"Its ok..."
"No its not. What day is it tomorrow?"
"Right I will get up tomorrow morning and go to work. You Y/N are taking the day off and will relax"
"Russ I ..."
"No Y/N you've worked every single day, you need a break."
I sighed. "Okay then"
"I really am so sorry". And then he did the thing I had missed the most. He kissed me. It felt so weird but great. I was so used to his kisses every day and life felt so strange without it. I guess I started getting used to not having kisses. We pulled away and I looked into his sad eyes. I had the sudden urge to just hold on to him. So I did. I launched onto him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head into his chest. I had missed him so much.

The next day Russell went to work and I stayed at home.
I wondered what I could do for his birthday. It was quite close now and I didn't have any clue of what to do. I then knew who I could ask, the person who knows him best. His mum.

On the phone
"Hello Y/N darling! Are you well?"
"I'm fine thanks! Are you?"
"I'm lovely! How's Russell? Is he still not coping well?"
"Actually he's gone to work today!"
"Oh really?! Thats great!"
"It is! Anyway I rang up to ask you something"
"Oh my god are you pregnant!?"
"No, it's about his birthday. It's in less than a week and I want to plan something but I don't know where to start."
"Well you could plan a surprise party! Russell loves barbecues. How about I arrange a barbecue in my house and we can invite family and some of his friends?"
"Ninette you are a genius!"
"Its fine darling. I'll get in contact with some of his friends and family and invite them. I'll tell them not to mention it to Russell. We can message eachover ideas and hopefully it will be sorted by Saturday.
"Ok great. Goodbye Ninette thanks for your help!"
"No problem Y/N! Bye!"

Well great, that was easy.
Now I just have to think of presents.
I looked through the Internet, searching through websites after websites looking for the perfect gift. I found many good ones that I bought but I needed something that would top everything.
Then it hit me.
The perfect gift that I could get him.

Can you guess what the present will be?

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