Chapter 16 - Alive

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I'm actually so bored rn so I've been updating like twice a day. I guess it's me making up the amount of time that I missed. I am supposed to be learning a Romeo and Juliet essay for school tomorrow but I would rather write about Russell and the reader instead 😂

Ninettes POV (ooh switching it up a bit)

I'm really worried about Russell. He hasn't left the hospital in two weeks just in case Y/N wakes up. He has had hardly any sleep and he hasn't eaten much either.
I need to get him to go out. It's damaging him so much.

I walk into room B12 and see Russell asleep on a chair next to Y/Ns bed. His head is leant forward on the bed. I sigh at him.
"Russell .... Russell!" I say, shaking him.
He wakes up and looks at me moodily. This lack of sleep hasn't made him the nicest person. "Prince you really need to get out, go back to the flat or something."
"Mum I keep telling you I can't incase.."
"I know incase Y/N wakes up! Listen Russell, you're getting really unhealthy because of this. You need to go home, get some sleep and eat a proper meal!" Russell rolled his eyes and started to repeat the same, excuse before I stopped him by saying. "Do you really think Y/N would want to see you like, this when she wakes up?" He gave me a confused look. "Bags under your eyes and greasy hair? I also don't think she would be happy to know that you haven't been eating. You're making yourself unwell Russell, Y/N loves you too and she wants you to be ok as much as you want her to be ok. Now go home". Russell paused, kissed Y/N and started to walk out. Thank God for that! Before he went out the door he turned to me and said, "promise you won't leave her". "I promise, now go!". He walked away, back to his flat.

I turned to Y/N. I can see why Russell loves her so much. She is such a nice, considerate, loyal, humerous person with a great personality and sense of humour. Not to mention she was very beautiful. She was perfect for Russell. I would be happy for her to be his wife. Oh what am I saying!? It's a bit early but ... all the same, they are perfect for one another.
"You know Y/N, Russell is very lucky to have you, I hope you see that. He adores you so much. I won't be surprised if he proposes soon, he's told me many times before how he wants to marry you someday."
Then the most amazing thing happened.
Y/N opened one eye and said "Really?!"
"SHIT Sorry! I can't believe it Y/N!". I looked at Y/N I was happy she was awake but she still seemed very weak. She looked around the room and tried to sit up. She cursed at the pain and lay back down. "I'm screwed aren't I."
"No no don't worry Y/N! ... oh I better get one of the doctors!" I pressed the assistance button and a nurse came in about 10 second later.
"Oh Y/N you're awake! That's amazing! Now unfortunately we will have to do some tests to make sure you're ok but first should we ring your Boyfriend?"
"No please don't!" Y/N said. I looked at her confused. "I want to surprise him!" The nurse and I laughed. "Very well, these tests should only take about 10 minuites."
Y/N was wheeled out and I waited until she got back.


When I came back from the tests, Ninette stayed with me for a few hours before she called Russell. We made up the excuse that Ninette was very tired and she could get no one else to watch Y/N. It sure worked! She then waited outside the room to greet Russ as I stayed still lying down on the bed. I didn't know how I would be able to not move or smile. About ten minuites later, I heard quick footsteps outside the room. Russell! He talked with Ninette for about a minuite and then I heard the door open and then slow footsteps over to me. He sat on the edge of the bed again. I was expecting for him to talk again but instead I heard sniffing. He was crying! "I love you Y/N. Please wake up. I need you". I knew it was the perfect time to reveal myself.
"MURRR" I said referencing one of his jokes. My eyes were still closed but I couldn't help but grinning . I peeked through one of my eyes to see his face.

Russell's POV

Did she just speak? She burst out laughing. That laugh. I was so happy to hear it again.
"Y/N!" I launched at her with a massive hug.
"Russ you're crushing me!" I removed myself quickly.
"Are you Ok? Did I hurt You?"
"No I'm fine" She said, laughing again.
I laughed back with her. "How long have you been awake?"
"Since a few hours ago, your mum was part of this."
"Oh for God's sake Y/N" I said laughing. "Really?"
"Yeah the nurse was in with it too!"
"Oh my god you bollock"
We both held our stomachs in fits of laughter.


Just then, a doctor walked in.
"Hello Y/N. I have some news for you. Luckily you made a miraculous and surprising recovery and you are able to go home. Incase you have not already been informed, you were in a coma for two weeks. You have a broken leg and a few burn scars, all minor luckily. The scars have cleared up a bit, though you may have permanent damage. As your leg goes, it has recovered a bit over the two weeks but you will need to keep it in a cast for another three weeks. Any other questions?" I shook my head. "Great! You have these crutches because of the cast but it might be more difficult to walk in general because you haven't got up in a while. That is all" He then left the room.
I took the bed sheets off of myself and swung my legs over on the side of the bed.
As I picked up my crutches I was launched in the air by two strong arms. Russell had picked my up and was carrying me like a baby.
"Russell put me down"
He carried me through the corridor, down the lift and out of the hospital to the car.
"I can't believe you just did that"
"I have many talents"
"Yeah being a twat is one"
"Watch it you"
We drove to what we remember as home. Unfortunately it hit us when we arrived.
We had no home. It had all burnt to the ground, we both got out, Russell on foot and me on crutches. We walked up to the black ashy ground where we used to live and looked at the damage. There was nothing left. All of our memories and treasures burnt to the ground.
We both looked at eachover with tears in our eyes before looking back at our piece of dust which was once our home.

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