Chapter 14 - Fire

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Lucky you I'm updating twice!


"Ethan what are you doing here?"
"Oh so I see Russell's told you all about me seeing as you know who I am."
I stayed silent with my arms folded. "You don't look as pretty when you frown"
"I don't need to look pretty for you"
"I bet you look pretty for Russell though don't you Y/N"
"How do you know my name?". He stayed silent with an evil grin on his face. "What do you want?"
I raise an eyebrow. He isn't making this easy is he. "Hilarious. Why did you actually come here?"
"Well I wanted to congratulate you on choosing a great boyfriend. I watched his first gig of the tour in London and I must say he's very good."
I stayed silent, unsure of whether he was serious or not. "....Thanks?"
"And now seeing as he's not back for another two weeks, I wondered if I could get to know you better?" He smirked in a suggestive way.
"No thanks I'm not like that" I tried closing the door on him but he put his foot in the way.
"Whoa whoa I didn't mean it like that! .... we can have dinner first."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"A lot of things. I suggest that you don't reject me Y/N, you won't know what's coming to you."
I shake my head dissaprovingly and manage to shut the door in his face. What an ass! I walked upstairs and decided to ring back Russell.

Ethans POV (ooh shit)

How fucking dare she. She'll soon face the consequences.
As I walk away from the house, I notice the open window going into the living room. I know how she'll pay, her and Russell. I take the matchbox out from my coat pocket and light a single match. I throw it through the window and walk away.


On the phone
"Hey Russ"
"Hi Y/N. Who was at the door?"
"Its fine Russ"
"What did he say to you?"
"He suggested that I cheated on you with him. I rejected him and he said that I would have to pay the consequences"
"That asshole. If he comes back you tell me and I'll be right there."
"Russ you're in Scotland right now"
"I'll still come! I can also send Jon down if I need to. He'll be happy to .."
"Hold on Russ" I sniffed and smelt a peculiar smell.
"What's wrong?"
"I think I smell ... Smoke?" I walked out of my bedroom and looked down the stairs. Fire was spread all over the living room and was making its way up the stairs.
I started crying my eyes out as my heart raced. I felt dizzy from the smoke.
I heard a loud bark from downstairs. BORIS. I calmed slightly realising that he was outside and out of harm. I hope he would be ok.

"Right Y/N they're on their way, where are you?"
"I'm upstairs, I can't get out Russell! I'm going to die!"
"Y/N don't say that just stay safe ok!"
I started to breakdown on the phone. I thought of my family, my friends, Russell. I was going to die.
"Russell if I die I love you so much"
The room started spinning and I felt like I couldn't breathe. The smoke surrounds me as I try to stay conscious. I can faintly hear Russell calling my name from the phone but I can't answer. Suddenly, the floor boards give in from under me, and I fall down through the floor. Black. I can't see or feel anything. All I can hear is the faint sound of fire engines and the steps of people until suddenly, I can't sense anything.

Russell's POV

"Y/N, Y/N!"
Cracking, a scream, a thud.
I run, as fast as I can packing only the essentials. I catch a taxi to the airport and catch a quick flight to London. 30 minuites and I'll be there.


I get out of the second taxi and I can't believe my eyes. Our house completely ruined, engines parked outside with crowds of people gathering round to stare at the incident. I run and push through the crowd. "Y/N!". A fireman approaches me and asks "Who are you?"
"I'm her boyfriend, I live here. Is she ok? Where is she?"
"Sir we have everything under control".
Suddenly I hear a bark. Boris.
I run to the direction of the bark and see him being looked after by another fireman. Thank God he is ok. "Boris!" I say, picking him up. The fireman informs me that he is completely fine as he was left outside and I can take him.
Then, in the corner of my eye I see Y/N being taken into an ambulance. "WAIT!". I run after her but it leaves before I can get there. A policeman then approached me and offered to drive me to the hospital in his car. I got in to the police car with Boris in my lap, as we raced the ambulance to the hospital. I just hope Y/N will be ok. I need her to be ok.

I am really sorry if you have been involved in a fire and have been distressed by this.

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