Shinjuku Incident

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italicized words = your thoughts

* = author's notes/random comments

(y/n) = your name

(f/n) = friend's name 


(y/n)'s POV:

     Oh shit oh shit oh shit! They're after me! I panted as I sprinted along the roads of Shinjuku. Tears flew from my eyes and blood dripped down from a cut above my right eye as I ran, blurring my vision drastically.

     Why is it that everyone I care about dies and leaves me in the end? Am I really that useless? The mangled, bloodied body of (f/n) flashed across my vision, causing me to stumble slightly as I shook my head to clear the image away. My tears fell faster. I continued to run, hearing the rapid footsteps of the three vampire nobles behind me. Dammit! Of all vampires, why did it have to be the nobles?!  Was it because Lieutenant Colonel Guren couldn't resist sending my squad on a suicide mission?! I turned a sharp right, and came face to face with the blonde female vampire. Fuck! 

     "Now, be an obedient livestock and stop run-"Hell, no! I whipped out my Cursed Gear, and crouched down low, cutting off her foot at the ankle as I ducked past her. The vampire let out a long string of curses as she fell to the ground in what seemed to be slow-motion. Even as I darted past her, I had to resist the urge to kill her. Should I...? It'd be easy to kill her right now, as I already lopped off her foot, but she's bound to be more wary than arrogant now. I can't stop to fight her right now, especially since there's two more of those damned nobles after me. She'll just stall for time until those two arrive and catch me.

     A blinding amount of pain shot through my ankle. This time I crashed down onto the uneven ground instead of only stumbling. No no no no! Not now! I scrambled to my feet, trying my best to ignore the throbbing agony shooting up my left leg. I took another step forward before faceplanting onto the ground as something wrapped around my hurt ankle and dragged me backwards at breakneck speed. I flailed around, trying to grab onto something, anything, even though I knew it would probably do no good. I came to a sudden halt before I was jerked upwards, and found myself hanging upside down.

     "Ooh, look Lord Crowley! I caught it!" cheered the indigo-haired female vampire. Damn, she had a whip. I scowled at my defeat. The other female vampire glared at her. 

     "Yes, but you caught it with my weapon! You don't deserve Lord Crowley's praise if you can't even catch a lowly human with your own weapon!"

     "You're really not in any position to judge my worthiness~" the indigo-haired vampire jeered at her, pointedly looking down at the latter's foot. The two were about to come to blows before the last vampire, a male with red bangs and a ridiculous brown braid intervened. 

     "Please ladies, don't argue! I think we can all agree that JIDA (Japanese Imperial Demon Army) soldiers are slightly more difficult to capture than regular humans, so don't be bothered too much by it." He flashed a winning smile at the other nobles, before turning his attention back to me. "Now...let's see how her condition is." He pulled me out from the whip's grasp and pinned me to the hard, debris-covered ground.

     "Don't touch me!" I snapped. "Back the fuck away!" I attempted a punch which was easily blocked and thrown aside by him. Damn. I'm too weak ...The running wore me out...There's no way I can stand a chance against three nobles now. But I can't let them get any information out of me, so I guess I'll have to use my last resort. Now, where is it...? I rummaged around in my pockets, trying to find the capsule. Aha, found it! Now you won't get anything out of me, you fuckers! Without hesitation, I shoved the poison into my mouth.

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