Connection (Part II)

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(y/n)'s POV:

     So that's why he's looking for Yuichiro Hyakuya huh? Because he's the sole survivor besides Mika himself, of the bloodbath that Ferid created when he killed off the rest of Mika's family. I wonder if he knows who I am...I was the Catalyst after all. Maybe if I tell him and explain my full ability to him, we can work something out. I could help him find Yuu, and he could help me get out of here! Of course, there's the matter of getting him to not kill me now...

     I glanced over at Mika's face, studying it closely. I hate this part the most. It was contorted in pain and grief, and it hurt me to see him this way. I understood the feeling of loss well enough to empathize with him, and the emptiness that it left behind in your heart would be forever there, never closing. No matter how horrible the person would be, I always could find some memory that they had which contained something I could connect myself to them with. Of course, power like this came with a problem. Two problems, really.

     The first problem with my power was that it forces both the person whose memory is being viewed and the viewer to relive the memory. The same goes for when I share my memory, the viewer will experience the same emotions that I felt during that memory. I understood why my power operated this way, because it wasn't that hard to understand why not, but that didn't mean it wasn't a pain in the ass.* 

     Now, the second problem was a bit more complicated to deal with. When something as valuable, precious, and private as a memory is shared or viewed, it's risky. You don't know if the person you're sharing the memory with will accept the memory, empathize or sympathize with it, or just plain hate and make fun of it. It's hard to do, because it's almost as though you're willingly letting yourself be vulnerable. And if you've gone through a traumatizing or depressing experience such as watching your family get slaughtered right before your eyes, or have been rejected, thrown aside, abandoned, etc., you'll understand what I mean.**

     This was Mika's case, and obviously, I had forcefully dove into his memory. I had invaded his privacy, and made him relive one of his most hated and hurtful memories. And what would people do when that happens? How would you think they'd react? Not very well. The automatic message that'd go through the person's head would most likely be something like this: Invaders must die. 

     And oh boy, wasn't I right? I watched Mika slowly and shakily rise from his position next to my bed, and reach for his sword. Shit was gonna get real.

Mika's POV:

     That bitch...she saw everything! She needs to die! My hand reached for my blade, and I cursed myself for being so slow. I was still shocked and numb from reliving my memory. My mind was clouded over in rage and hatred, I couldn't think straight. My only goal was to kill the filthy human girl before me that dared to invade my memories. 

     And that was when she surprised me. I had no idea she was strong enough already, but she sprung out of her bed, and tackled me. I went from standing over the human, about to murder her, to laying on the floor with her sitting on my waist. 

*(y/n)'s power operates this way to share and communicate a person's true emotions, rather than trying to find the right words to say and express them.

**People do recover from these things eventually, but they'll never be quite the same. They can forgive the person who's done the horrible deed, maybe even get tired of feeling angry or depressed or whatever, but they'll never forget.

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