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Note: I will be updating every Monday now, and it'll be a set schedule. But since its Summer Break, I'll probably have more time to update, so I'll probably be posting new chapters quite often, maybe even every day.

This chapter may be boring, but its essential to the plot.

Third Person POV:

     (y/n)'s body shook with grief as quiet sobs were let out. Mika lay where he was, stunned. He could tell that her memory was quite recent, and for such a fresh wound to be exposed to someone else was quite brave in his opinion. He himself had never been able to open up to anyone after his family's death, and for (y/n) to do so for him, a vampire, well...her actions touched him deeply. An emotion that he hadn't felt in years bloomed within his heart- compassion. Hesitantly, Mika slowly sat up and embraced (y/n) in a soft hug.

(y/n)'s POV:

     I felt arms gently surround me in a hug. What the hell...? I looked up, tears still falling from my eyes, at Mika. I had wanted to connect with him in the most sincerest way possible, and it was clear that I had accomplished it from Mika's reaction. A memory in exchange for a memory... I didn't expect the result to be like this though. Its pretty rare that a vampire will touch a human like this after all. Needless to say though, I was both grateful and pleasantly surprised. Without hesitating, I spread my arms wide open and hugged Mika tightly as tears made their ways down both our faces.

Mika's POV:

     Blushing fiercely, I cleared my throat awkwardly, unsure of how exactly to share my feelings and thoughts to the human sitting in my lap. Deep in thought, my gaze wandered to the girl's face, studying her features closely. Thoughts like, she really is pretty, Ferid wasn't lying and she understands how I feel! started to make their way to my brain. Wait, stop it! Focus on the situation, this is no time to be thinking about other things! I have a human girl in my lap who's in a sensitive state of mind right now, and if I screw up while talking to her she'll either go ballistic or break down completely! I started to have a mild panic attack, unusual for my usual state of mind. Ugh, shit shit shit shit! How do I talk to her?!

     Now, don't get me wrong, I was elated and excited to have met someone like her who got me like she did, but I was having trouble expressing myself. Unlike her, I didn't have a special ability to communicate my emotion in the most sincerest way possible, and I hadn't shown much emotion besides anger, apatheticness, and hatred for a while now. Being around the race who killed your family and tore apart your world tends to make you feel that way. Saying the right words in this current situation would be quite difficult for me. I felt like I was back at the start of puberty. Totally unfamiliar and totally awkward. This is so different...I'm usually so composed and calm, but here I am, feeling human again for the first time in forever!* I sorta hate it (.____.)

     "So uh...(y/n)? Can I call you (y/n)?" 

     The girl nodded her consent. I continued my question. 

     "Uh...where did you first meet Ryouta? In your memory, he did say you guys weren't related by blood." Ah shit, I screwed up. Great way to make a girl break down again. I mentally facepalmed myself. 

     No surprise, the girl started to tear up again. I began to apologize, but she interrupted me. 

     "No, its fine. I can still talk, y'know. I haven't become mute." The girl wiped away her tears and began her story.

      "I met Ryouta at the Hyakuya Orphanage. It was an orphanage that took in children who had...potential, and experimented on them. To enhance their abilities or whatever. Ryouta was one of the children there, just like me. Anyways, the Orphanage was running a rather dangerous experiment at the time when I arrived. I remember that it was called the Seraph of the End. I'm not quite sure what exactly the end results of the Seraph Experiment were like though, as I wasn't involved in the Project. Both Ryouta and I were different projects. I was known as the Catalyst, and Ryouta was known as the Alien. The only reason the two of us stuck so close together and became practically brother and sister was because we weren't Seraph Experiments, which were engineered to destroy."

     I listened closely. No wonder I've heard of her before! She was at the same orphanage as Yuu and I. This is quite interesting...

     "See, the Seraph Experiments were created by a group of people who wanted to eliminate all other potentially intelligent and dangerous races from the Earth so humans could reign as rulers, but Ryouta and I were meant to be peacemakers. The man who operated on us had different ideals than the rest of those crazy people at the Orphanage."

     "Ryouta was meant to be a supersoldier of sorts to protect humanity from vampires and vampires from humans, while I was meant as the force to bring both vampires and humans together. To coexist with one another, not like the way humans do with livestock, but equally. That was, and still is, our mission. Ryouta may be dead, but I'm not going to leave his memory to rot and fade away. I'll carry on his memory by completing my mission, and by sealing the divide between human and vampire once and for all!" 

Third Person POV:

     Mika sat in awe of the girl before him. She was ambitious, he definitely gave her that. But she was going to unite the gap between vampires and humans! This could mean that he and Yuu could be together peacefully after all! And that (y/n) had trusted so much of her hope with Mika, maybe even (y/n) could be with him and Yuu! Joy and hope filled Mika's face, and his face broke out in a beautiful, genuine, and pure smile. Without thinking, he lunged for (y/n) and embraced her tightly, happy tears streaming down his cheeks. Ever since the day Mika's famiky had been slaughtered, Mika had been an empty shell of who he was before. He had no purpose as his family was everything to him. But now, now that (y/n) had ignited a new hope within him, he had a purpose, a reason to live. The past eight years had been despairing and depressing. Everything had been shrouded in darkness and monotony. But now? Only one thought was running through Mika's head: Thank you, (y/n),  for giving me a new reason to live.

 (y/n)'s POV:

     I smiled, hugging Mika's shaky form back. Judging from Mika's reaction, he was definitely on board with my mission, and had regained what he had lost. He was strong. I was strong. Ryouta was strong. We all were. And now, at this moment, I could practically feel Ryouta's presence around me, urging me to raise Mika's spirit, his hope, his will to live even higher. Do it. I knew exactly as to what Ryota meant.

     I took a deep breath, still embracing Mika, and began to sing. I hadn't sung since Ryouta and I had left the orphanage. Back at the Orphanage I had only sung to mourn the death of a failed experiment, the death of a person. I guess I stopped singing because I thought that there would never be a time where I would need to sing again, that there would never be another purpose or reason to. But now, I've found a new reason, just like Mika. I will sing to unite humans and vampires together. I glanced at Mika. And I will start by uniting us.

     "When I am down, and, oh, my soul so weary**

     When troubles come and my heart burdened be

     Then I am still and wait here in the silence

     Until you come and sit a while with me..."

     Mika's tears were stopping, drying up, as he listened to the song. His face was instead lit with happiness and content. 

     "You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains

     You raise me up to walk on stormy seas

     I am strong when I am on your shoulders

     You raise me up to more than I can be..."

*Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me, I swear, I didn't mean to reference Frozen on purpose! Its just there to emphasize the way Mika feels!

**The song is You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban. The song isn't mine, I don't own it, no copyright infringement intended, etc. I think you guys get it. This sorta song isn't what I normally listen to or prefer, but it works for this chapter

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