[Yuu x Reader] One Shot: Dark (Part II)

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It's fluff, but I'm a shitty writer so I honestly don't know how this'll be

...also, a huge thanks to all those who supported me with votes, comments, and by adding this stort to their reading lists despite my failure to update this QwQ I'm very touched...even tho I don't deserve it haha

Third Person POV:

"Hey Yuu," (y/n) greeted him, smiling at the sound of his voice. "What's up?

"Oh, nothing other than the fact that Winter Break's started," Yuu replied teasingly. "You can't seriously tell me you forgot that we don't have school for the next two weeks?"

(y/n) rolled her eyes, giving a sigh as she weaved through the after-school crowd, watching out for her bus number. "Of course I haven't missed that fact, I've been looking forward to Break this whole quarter. It's just that I barely got out of class 5 minutes ago, so I haven't been able to call you about anything regarding Break. Don't tell me you  forgot that our schools get out at different times again?"* 

Where is it?

On the other end of the line, Yuu blushed slightly before mockingly delivering a snobbish apology. "Yeah yeah yeah, I did forget again. So sorry, Your Majesty."

"Mhm, I'll consider your apology, Hyakuya," (y/n) replid in an equally snobbish voice, a smile playing at her lips. "So, you called regarding Break yeah?"

Ah, there it is! (y/n) darted towards the growing line to her bus, phone still firmly in hand.

Yuu nodded vigourously on the other end, before realizing that he was chatting and quickly corrected himself. "Yup. Just wondering if you wanted to get together today, do some quirky shit, talk about last quarter?"

"Hm, sure. Anyone else coming along, or is it just gonna be the two of us?" 

Yuu hesitated slightly before answering. "Weeelllll...Mika volunteered for a hospital thing going on tonight, so he won't be around. Mitsuba's in charge of the prom committee at her school, and they're prepping for it earlier this year because, and I quote her, "it was absolute trash last year when we started prepping in March". I texted Kimizuki last period and he told me his mom wanted him to babysit his sister, keep her entertained- although I really think he made some foolhardy promise to Mirai to play "War" with her again."

(y/n) settled comfortably into a seat on the bus, turning horizontal and putting her legs up on the chair next to her. "Hm...and what about Shinoa?" 

Yuu snorted into his phone. "You kidding me? We're going to die one day from her crazy shit, and I'm not planning on making the first day of Break be my last day as well."

(y/n) giggled slightly, recalling the many memorable adventures she had with the crew. "She's fun, at least."

"She's the type of fun that gets you killed though." .-.

"Mhm...fair point. I suppose you could've died during that whole cement and possum incident."

Yuu groaned audibly at the memory. "Are you kidding? It's not that I could've died during that incident- I probably WOULD'VE died if Mika didn't save my ass."

(y/n) grinned as the bus pulled away from the curb and began trundling down the road on its daily route from Sanguinem to the small city of Shiganshima where she lived.

"Alright then," (y/n) mused. "Since you're so adamant to do this without Shinoa, let's do some quirky shit. What time?"

"How about eight o' clock tonight?" 

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