Shinoa Squad (Part II)

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Third Person POV:

"Ah, what the hell (y/n)?"

Thanks for catching me, Mika~!"

"You idiot! What did you think that was, a trust fall?!"


Mika groaned in exasperation. Of all the times she chose to be an idiot, she chose now? "That wasn't supposed to be a trust fall! Who the hell does a trust fall from six stories up?!"

"Me. Duh." .u.

"You know that wasn't what I meant."

"Well, ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer."

"...One day your crazy shit is going to get us killed."

Mika winced as he shifted around underneath (y/n), struggling to sit up and push the amused girl off of him without stabbing her. As he got to his feet, he heard the metallic shiing! of blades being drawn.

"Stand down, vampire."

Shinoa's scythe blazed with green fire, the large, curving blade looped closely around Mika's neck. Undeterred, Mika slipped out his own sword, pointing it right back at Shinoa's own neck. His lip curled back in disgust, staring her down.

"Don't act like you can take me on, human. You don't know what you're dealing with."

Shinoa coolly stared back. Neither of them moved their weapons away.

"You're outnumbered. Give yourself up and maybe I'll have mercy upon you."

Movement from the edge of Mika's field of vision caught his eye. A blur of brilliant green and black bolted towards him, and his eyes widened in alarm. The glinting blade rushed to meet him. But it never made it.

(y/n)'s POV:


Yuu had taken off from the sidelines where he had been standing, dashing towards Mika with the intent to kill. Gritting my teeth in determination, I drew my own sword and sprinted to intercept Yuu's own blade.

We clashed within a maelstrom of green flames. Both of us straining against each other, opposite forces holding each other at bay. I narrowed my eyes, refusing to give in and deftly shoved my blade violently against Yuu's, sending him skidding backwards and away from Mika. From the corner of my eye, I saw Mika taking the opportunity to catch Shinoa- who had been watching, distracted- off guard, quickly disarming her in one, smooth move and pinning her to the ground. The other members of her squad surged forward towards her, only to stop abruptly as Mika pressed the blade against her throat forcefully, drawing blood. 

Now then...

I straightened up, scanning my surroundings for Yuu. Spotting him a bit away, I quickly sheathed my sword and began to briskly walk towards him. One of his teammates, a small blonde-haired girl lunged forward. My eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Get out of my way.

I deftly blocked her attack, catching her arm and slamming her into the ruined road. Yuu's head shot up at the sound of my ringing footsteps and the thunk! of a body hitting the hard ground. His hand darted for his sword, prepared to block any attack I threw at him.

Tch. Like hell you will.

I brutally kicked his hand away from his sword, grabbing the neck of his uniform and dragging him over to Mika. Yuu struggled in my tight grasp, trying in vain to wriggle free.

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