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Third Person POV:

    Crowley wasn't stupid though. He had seen (y/n) shuffle her hands around in her pockets, obviously in search of something. And when he saw her take something out and shove it into her mouth, he had a feeling she wasn't trying to freshen up her breath. Before the girl could crush the capsule between her teeth, Crowley had forced his hand into her mouth and was reaching for it.

(y/n)'s POV:

     There was no way I was letting him take the capsule from me, but I couldn't get it back between my teeth since his hand was in the way. The small pill was dangerously close to the back of my throat, and I could feel that I was close to swallowing it whole. No no no no no! It'll be useless if I just swallow the poison , I need to release it first!  I fought against the male vampire's hand, trying to force the posion back between my teeth, attempting to land a hit on him, kick him away, anything. But the other vampires were holding down my arms. And with the male vampire sitting on my waist, there wasn't much I could do. I began to cough and sputter from my effort, and while I was struggling the male vampire got a hold of the capsule and pulled it out of my mouth. Dammit!  I was so close!

     "What've you got, Lord Crowley?" asked the indigo-haired vampire curiously. Crowley huh?* Why does that sound so familiar...? Oh fuck. He's the Thirteenth Progenitor.  Welp, I'm screwed. 

     Crowley examined the capsule closely. "I believe that it's a poison capsule. Seems like the humans are inventing new toys. Here, take a look." He tossed it to the indigo-haired and blonde-haired vampires, who each glanced at it before the indigo-haired one crushed it under her boot. 

     "Well, JIDA soldiers are bound to have some sort of important information, and since this one hasn't managed to kill itself, we should take it to our dear Queen. It'll need to heal before being introduced to Krul of course, so let's just get going so we don't keep her waiting for her information too long."

     God I hate myself. 

     I began to thrash and fail around as Crowley grabbed me by the waist and flipped me onto his back. I beat my fists against every part of him I could reach, but it didn't do anything. I was too weak, too tired, and too hurt. And without being fully aware of it myself, I started to fall asleep, my eyelids gradually getting heavier and heavier before I finally dozed off.  

*Yus Reader-chan, you just found out that the guy vampire with the stupid braid is the Thirteenth Progenitor, even though it's been mentioned a lot becuz you have inherited my lack of paying attention in this story

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