Secrets and Stories

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Back to the main storyline tho :D I kinda gave up on writing like 4000 word chapters each time, so I'm gonna be posting the stories in smaller segments now

(y/n)'s POV:

Shinoa sat across from me on the roof, cross-legged. The cool night air whisked over us, seemingly whispering those fateful words that had been uttered just minutes ago.

A secret for a secret.

"Do you know how we got our Cursed Gears, (y/n)? Do you know how we got the technology to combat the vampires?"

I crossed my arms, giving her a look that said: Really?

"It's rude to ask rhetorical questions, you know," I huffed. "You know very well that I have no clue whatsoever on much of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, much less on the weaponry that makes up so much of its power."

Shinoa shot me a small smile at that, chuckling a bit. "Okay, fine. I'll skip the rhetorical questions and get on with my story."

Her face straightened and eyes hardened at that.

"My secret."

Shinoa's POV:

"I used to have a sister. Her name was Mahiru Hiragi, and she was one of the most powerful and most influential figures of our family. She was gorgeous, a genius, and of a historical bloodline. It's because of all these blessings that she had, that she always overshadowed me by so much that our father never paid any attention to me."

"...But even so...I...think I loved her very much. I can't really describe how I felt about her...after all, members of the Hiragi family were raised without ever really feeling familial love. All I can say for certain is that she was the only person in our family that actually cared about me, and the one person who actually acknowledged my existence."

(y/n) sat quietly in front of me as I told my story, although a puzzled expression decorated her face. "So uh...what does this have to do with Guren?"


I turned away from her, staring impassively at the ground. "Guren was Mahiru's lover."

"...Oh." (y/n) shut up. I continued with my story.

"One year, my father ordered her to begin a project- a project that would lead to the eventual development of the Cursed Gears. It was a long, hard project- one that took its toll on my sister's mind."

"All JIDA soldiers know that in order to possess a Cursed Gear, you must first subdue the Demon within the weapon before being able to wield it. And although it sounds like an easy task, the Demon will do anything it can to break the possessors' mind. Mahiru was possessed by the demons she tried so hard to contain with the Cursed Gear. Her humanity was consumed, and in the end, Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose was forced to kill her."

"So...what does this have to do with your suspicions about Guren? I mean, last time I did ask for your thoughts on why you believed he was betraying the JIDA..."

I took a deep breath, turning to face (y/n).

"...Recently, there was an incident that caused a great deal of suspicion to foster in me. It happened in Shinjuku- when my squad encountered a vampire noble. Guren had ordered me to give Yuu some pills- pills that would supposedly enhance his synchronization with his Demon. The outcome of the pills though, and the effect they took upon Yuu was catastrophic. Yuu transformed into a berserk...thing. He lost his mind temporarily in this berserk form and his physical abilities increased drastically- to the point where even the vampire noble that had been crushing us in the beginning failed to stand against Yuu's attack."

"The transformation Yuu had on the battlefield isn't the only suspicious activity that has been going on within the Army- Guren had mentioned right before Yuu turned that the vampire noble he was facing would soon stand no chance, and the reports on Yuu's past have all been removed from the Army's intelligence department."

"Guren clearly plays a far larger role in the Army than he is currently shown to possess- the knowledge of Yuu's transformation and the missing reports are proof of that. I guess if one were to skim the evidence, we could conclude that Guren was simply manipulating the Army for the enemy- the vampires. But, recent intel leads me to think otherwise."

(y/n) frowned. "And what kind of intel would that be?" Shinoa continued, dismissing the question. She'd answer it soon anyways.

"I've only witnessed the power of Guren's sword twice- once in the training facility for the Army, the other when encountering the vampire nobles. But I can say with absolute certainty that his sword is unlike the other Cursed Gears- the demon that resides within it is much...more. He's never revealed the name of his Demon to me even after all this time, but I've heard him speak to it once when he believed he was alone."

(y/n) stared curiously at me, clearly trying to seek out my gaze.

Well, a persons' eyes are one of the easiest ways to determine whether or not they're a liar.

"So, what did he call his sword?"

"...Mahiru. Mahiru-no-yo."

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