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Mika's Memory: The Death of His Family 

     "We're almost there!" exclaimed Mika joyfully. "We'll be out of here and free of the vampires soon!" Small whoops of happiness could be heard from among the group, particularly from the younger children such as Fumie and Taichi. As they emerged into the grand hallway leading to the outside world, sarcastic clapping could be heard.

     "Bravo, bravo!" Ferid Bathory stepped out from the shadows, eyes glinting with amusement. He scanned the faces of the children before him, each shocked and paralyzed with fear. 

     Wh-what?! But how?! The's correct isn't it? The map was ripped out of Mika's hands faster than he could blink, and Ferid held it up, snickering. 

     "Ah, I just love playing this game! Every time I play it, the looks of hopelessness and terror on you silly humans' faces are just so refreshing!" Mika couldn't believe his ears. 

     This...this was just a game to him?! His family was hunched up behind and along him, too scared to move. 

     "Ah, don't be too disappointed! Here's something to rekindle your silly hope: The map is, in fact, accurate. Just beyond that archway is the exit to the outside world. If you can get past me, then you'll be free. After all, it is rather hard to chase livestock after its disappeared into the human world."

     That snapped Mika to his senses. He raised a gun into the air, and fired it once to awaken his family to his senses. "Everyone, run for the exit and don't look back! I'll deal with the vampire!" Oh, if only he knew how wrong he was. As soon as the rabbits began to run, the wolf attacked.! This can't be happening! Mika tried to run to each of his family members in turn, but they were cut down before he even managed a step towards them. He was helpless as he watched Chihiro get beheaded, Ako get sucked dry, Akane get slashed acorss the chest, Fumie and Taichi each impaled by Ferid's bare hand. 

     The stench of blood clogged his nose and watered his eyes. Dismembered limbs littered the marble floor and empty eyes stared up into nothingness. And amongst it all, Mika lay on the floor, as empty of feeling as the corpses of his family. Beaten and broken, bloody and dismembered. As the light began to dim in his eyes, as his vision began to flicker and fade, he felt himself being picked up. He didn't remember much after that. But of that which he did remember...he'd never forget. 

The ringing words of Krul Tepes. 

The feeling of blood sliding down his throat.

The pain of his lost humanity. 

And of a hunger so intense...

It could drive him to kill. 


     The grief and agony that Mika felt that day could never be sealed away. It scarred his heart until it was more scar tissue than a beating, feeling organ, and changed him forever. He became self-loathing and moody, a pale shadow of his former optimistic, upbeat, self. And from that day on, he never smiled. 

     His family was everything to him, and he blamed himself for their death. He felt responsible and guilty for everyone he loved but couldn't help survive, and wanted to die along with them. 

     Unfortunately for him, as a result of being turned into a half-vampire, he was unable to die and end his misery. Perhaps it was because he knew that even if he killed himself, he would wind up in hell for being the creature that he was now. Perhaps he was to weak to do so himself. Or perhaps, it was because he had learned the truth. Either way, this guilt, this grief, and this damned half-life all lead to the same result...

The determination to save his one living family member-Yuu.

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