Author's Note

982 13 0

     341 reads~! Damn guys, I'm so happy right now! :D Thank you, thank you, thank you! to everyone who has read this story so far! It means a hella lot to me that you guys would bother reading the story that a newbie like me created *wipes happy tears away* I honestly didn't expect the story to get any reads at all after I took that, what, 3 week (maybe 4 week?) long break from writing? But it did (I know 341 reads may not seem like a lot to some of you guys, but it means and seems a lot to me)! And it racked up a total of 19 votes now too! :D Much thanks especially to @agnellya for voting on so many of my chapters. 

     You've probably noticed I deleted my draft. The reason why? Its simple. I didn't like it. Currently, I'm rewriting the next chapter cuz I'm just not happy with the way it is right now. I'll try and update soon though! 

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