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Mika's POV: 

     "Oh Miikkkaaa~"

     I grunted in annoyance, but still didn't stop walking. I kept my brisk pace, quickly drawing away from that damn annoyance. He never gets the message...I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I immediately spun around, drawing my sword and pointing it at Ferid in the process.

     "Now, is that any way to treat your dear old savior?" Ferid purred. "What if I had been bringing important news to you and you killed me before I got to tell you? Wouldn't that be tragic?"

     "You never have anything important to say. Why should I bother listening?"

     "Oh? Then how's this for something important?" Ferid drew something out from behind his back. Is that...? A JIDA cap? Is there a JIDA soldier being held captive here? Ferid continued to voice his news. "It's against protocol to keep the uniform of a JIDA prisoner instead of burning it, but I figured that you wouldn't believe me if I didn't have evidence."

     "We've captured a JIDA soldier, and quite the high-ranking one. She's bound to have a lot of information on the Seraph of the End Project that those silly humans are fooling around with. Not to mention, she's also quite pretty and has the most exquisite tasting blood, maybe even better than yours Mika-kun~!"

     I had stopped listening to him after he mentioned that the soldier was high-ranking. Is it possible that the soldier knows Yuu...?  I interrupted Ferid's rambling about how exotic and intoxicating the scent of her blood was.

     "Where is she?"

     Ferid smirked. "Oh, now you're interested huh?

     I was getting irritated. I pushed my sword deeper under his chin, and drew blood. Small rivulets of crimson began to drip down Ferid's pale neck. 

     "Fine, fine. You're such an impatient child, Mika, but if you must know, the human is currently resting in a spare livestock house that's being watched over by Crowley and his subordinates. I don't know if it's awake yet, but Horn and Chess might let you watch over her for a change."

     "Mhm." I gave a slight nod at that and turned on my heel, beginning the search for the soldier. 

(y/n)'s POV: 

     So soft...

     I slowly opened my eyes to see white sheets and the foot of a bed in my line of vision. This is nice, I thought drowsily. Maybe I can sleep a bit more...I began to doze off once again, slowly floating back to Dreamland.

     "Are you awake, human?"

     My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly. I winced as I tried to shift my body towards the speaker, small shocks of pain traveled from my ankle up my body. I saw multiple bandages on my arms and I felt some wrapped around my head. A few bruises were scattered along my arms as well, and my back was aching, which really wasn't that much of a surprise since I had been dragged along the ground at breakneck speed by that indigo-haired vampire. 

     "Yeah, what do you want, trash?" I glared fiercely at the speaker. Huh, it's a guy. I expected the blonde or indigo-haired vampire to be here. I scanned the vampire before me up and down. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and...non-pointed ears? There's still a trace of human in this vampire huh? That's sorta weird, it's not very common that a vampire will turn a human. Maybe I should probe into his memories...

     "Do you know a soldier in the Japanese Imperial Demon Army called Yuu?"

     I eyed the vampire before me suspiciously. "How would you know that there's someone called Yuu in the Army?" Does he mean Yuichiro Hyakuya?

     The vampire stared me down. "It's none of your business. Answer my question."

     None of my business? Then why bother getting me involved and asking me a personal question in the first place? I usually make an effort to not use my power, I don't want to be tempted into manipulating anyone, no matter what they are. But this guy's looking for something that has to do with the Army...might as well probe around and see what exactly it is.

     I took a deep breath, and looked straight into the vampire's eyes. "I hope this won't hurt too much." And with that, I dove into the vampire's memories. 

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