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*That girl is you! Well, at least the outfit is, took a while to draw it out, that's why my other chapter, Strong, was so late. Sorry about that, and hope you guys like the clothing design and story so far~

(y/n)'s POV:

     I awoke groggily, blinking the sleep out of my eyes, but didn't bother getting up from where I was. I was content with just laying where I was. Speaking of which, where was I again...? I felt something soft and firm underneath me. When I moved my head to see what exactly I was lying on, my vision was obscured by a field of white and gold. Confused, I sat up. 

     Oh, now I see.

     Mika was lying underneath me, his face peaceful and innocent, looking years younger than he really was. I smiled softly at the sight before checking out my surroundings. Doesn't seem like anyone came into the house last night, so the nobles must not be back yet. This is my chance to escape. 

     And then I realized. I don't know where I am, and I have no idea how to get out of this place. Not only that, but they confiscated my uniform and my Cursed Gear. Bet Mika knows where it is though...He'll come with me right? I mean, we have a definite connection now, so he should go with me...I stood over him, unsure of whether or not to wake him.

     But a small voice of doubt whispered in my ear. What if he doesn't want to go with you? What if he refuses to help you escape? What will you do then? Would you let him be and potentially make it never out alive, or will you force him to help you escape?

Third Person POV:

    (y/n) stood still, contemplating on what actions she should take. One side of her oh so desperately wanted to negotiate with Mika to go with her peacefully, while the other side craved to inflict pain and mental damage upon Mika and force him to go no matter what. The voice continued to feed its thoughts into (y/n)'s mind.

     It'll be so easy to take advantage of his worst memories and use them against can manipulate him, play him like a puppet on strings. It'll guarantee that Mika will accompany you to go back to the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.  A twisted smile spread across (y/n)'s face. You have the capability to pull it off! Why not give it a go? 

     Small tendrils of black started to creep into (y/n)'s eyes,  spreading across the surface of her eyes like ink on water. The twisted smile on her face grew larger and larger. And then Mika stirred, his eyes opening. As quickly as the dark thoughts came, they faded away along with her grin as soon as Mika's eyes met hers.

     "What...(y/n)? What are you doing? What's wrong with your eyes?"

     "I'm...not really sure."

     (y/n)'s face bore no emotion at all. She knew that she should be panicking and worried, she had nearly hurt Mika in the worst way possible for God's sake! But for some reason, she felt calm and empty, as though she were a metal husk with nothing inside. Was I about to hurt him or wake him up? Is there any difference?

     Mika looked skeptically at (y/n). How can she not remember what she was about to do? And why...why are the corners of her eyes pitch black? Not only that, but she had on the creepiest expression...She seems so different from yesterday night. Like a whole new person, although not a whole better one. 

     And then, (y/n)'s expression changed. Mika stared at the girl, slightly unnerved by how quickly the emotions flickered across her face. There's definitely something off about (y/n)...but I'm not sure what. Mika frowned, trying to figure it out while (y/n) tried to word her question carefully. 

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