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Third Person POV:

     "Oh my Crowley, you've caught quite the valuable piece of livestock, hm?" Ferid Bathory examined (y/n) closely, checking her out without any discretion or embarrassment, because that's just the sort of vampire he is.  

     "Perhaps you'd put her down so I could view her form better?" Crowley smirked slightly, before simply dropping (y/n)'s unconscious body onto the hard, marble floor of Krul Tepe's palace. (y/n) let out a pained groan and shifted slightly on the floor, but didn't wake up from the impact. 

     "Mhmmm..." Ferid hovered over (y/n)'s exposed neck, breathing in the scent of her.* He was very tempted to take a drink right then and there. (y/n)'s blood smelled delicious and sweet, like the scent of an exotic flower. After hovering over her neck for a few more seconds, he couldn't take it any longer. Unable to resist anymore, Ferid buried his fangs into (y/n)'s neck, drinking some of her blood greedily. After a few minutes, he stopped, licking his lips in satisfaction. 

     The smell of blood wafted across the room, tempting every vampire within the room to take a drink of the tantalizing liquid. Crowley could tell that his subordinates, Chess and Horn, were raring to go at (y/n), practically salivating in anticipation. Honestly, Crowley was feeling the same way, except he was much better at hiding his thirst than Chess and Horn.

     "Not only is she an JIDA soldier with a treasure trove of information, but she's a pretty thing with the most exquisite blood. Do you mind if I take her as my personal blood supply?" Ferid cast a sideways glance at Crowley from where he was crouching. The lust for (y/n) clearly shone in his eyes.

     "Honestly, I wouldn't mind it if you took her as a blood supply as long as you shared with me, but I'm afraid that I'm going to need to hand her over to Krul first. Apparently she wants all JIDA soldiers to be interrogated by her first before she hands them off to other vampires." Annoyance radiated off of Crowley as he spoke these words. He wanted (y/n) just as much as Ferid did after all. 

     "Aw, that's too bad. Oh well, I guess we could always try to persuade her to give (y/n) over to us after she's done with her." Ferid stood up and began to walk towards the exit of Krul's palace. He turned around at the archway of the exit, a thought occurring to him, and looked back at Crowley.

     "By the way Crowley, how long are you planning on staying in Sanguinem?" 

     Crowley raised an eyebrow. He had no intention of staying in Sanguinem for a while. In fact, he had planned to leave tonight so he could catch some more livestock back in Shinjuku. It wasn't very interesting in Sanguinem after all, just vampire after vampire bitching about humans or blood or the lack of entertainment within the city. His original plan was to leave tonight for Shinjuku and be back the next morning to take (y/n) as his personal blood supply. Yup, he had lied to Ferid. Crowley wasn't very much into sharing (y/n)'s blood with him, not with the knowledge that Ferid already had Mika. 

     "I'm planning to leave tonight. Why? Am I needed here for something else?"

     "Well, humans are very fragile creatures. They break so easily, and they take a while to heal. If I were you, I would stay for at least two weeks, if not more. I can absolutely guarantee that the human will take around a week to heal, and you should be here as soon as possible for when Krul is done interrogating (y/n). I have a feeling that there'll be a lot of nobles vying for (y/n), and it won't just be for her blood."

*Yes, I'm aware of how totally creepy and molestish this is, but I'm doing this for the sake of the story Reader-chan! Believe me~

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