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(y/n)'s POV:

      Crowley lay unconscious on the stairs, bruises and spots of torn muscle showing on his skin from the beating. Mika stood over him, drawing his sword, murderous intent surrounding him. Killing a powerful enemy like Crowley while he was vulnerable would be easy and efficient, no hassle involved.

      But it bothered me. Crowley had faltered when he was dodging Mika's attacks, and that had led to his downfall. The words Mika had uttered during their short duel were emotionally powerful and stirring, and well, it wasn't that long of a shot for Crowley to have been like Mika right? A turned human? It'd make sense if that were the case, for the words to have such a large impact on him...

      "Wait! Mika, don't kill him yet!"

      Mika stopped, his sword just beginning to slice into Crowley's neck. Trickles of crimson blood slowly dripped down Crowley's neck.

      "Why the hell wouldn't I kill him? (y/n), he killed off Ryouta and hurt you badly, both physically and emotionally! Just look at yourself, you're in terrible shape! Not only that, but he's the Thirteenth Progenitor! Have you forgotten how lethal an enemy he is? Leaving him alive will give him the chance to come after us, and he won't hesitate to kill us then!"

      "Mika, have you forgotten what we're trying to do? We're trying to bring vampires and humans together, to coexist equally! Killing off Crowley will only label us as hypocrites and widen the void between us! Crowley's a big fish in the vampire hierarchy, so if we manage to convince him that its possible to coexist equally with humans, well, the idea should pass on from there! Don't you want to live with Yuu as a family again? Don't you want to stop fighting this damn war?"

      Mika remained silent, glaring mistrustfully at Crowley's slumped form.

      "Believe me, I'm aware of what sort of damage Crowley can cause, but-"

      "Fine. I'll wake him. But if he tries so much as to even stand up, I'll kill him. I'm not taking chances with him."

      Third Person POV:

      Mika turned and strode towards Crowley. He drew his blade, raised it a foot or so above Crowley's head, and brought it down.

      "Wake up."

      Crowley woke with a start, hitting his head once again on the flat of Mika's blade.

      "Damn Mika, that hurts. This isn't any proper way to greet your fellow vampire..."

     "Deal with it, Crowley. You better make sure your ass is firmly planted on the ground, because if you so much as try to stand up, you're dead."

     "So cold Mika..."

     "Obviously. Do you real-"

     (y/n) interrupted the banter between the two, obviously growing impatient.

     "Let's get to business."

     (y/n) turned to Crowley.

     "Do you believe that its possible for humans and vampires to coexist?"

      Crowley raised an eyebrow. Was the human girl blind?

      "We are coexisting. You are the livestock, we are the predators. The way things are work out right niw just fine."

       "Tch, yeah right. For you, maybe. For the human side? Not so much. I probably should've said the question clearer before, but I'll say it now. Do you believe that its possible for humans and vampires to coexist equally and peacefully?"

      Crowley snickered, shaking his head, before breaking out into full laughter. Mika and (y/n) stared at him, waiting for him to calm down.

     "What, you're serious?"

     "Of course we are," Mika stated, annoyed. "Why would we keep you alive if we weren't?"

     "Touché, Mika. But if you're really serious about this, I'll admit, it's an interesting idea. It even sounds nice. But here's the problem: it just isn't real. It neither would nor could work. Vampires and humans are just too different from one another. Why even bother to ask?"

     "It's just," (y/n) stared sadly at Crowley. "Why can't we just, I don't know, coexist equally without killing each other? C'mon, we all know this is true: Everyone in this world- both human and vampire- have lost someone important to them in this war. I know for a fact that you vampires talk about losing more and more of your brothers each day, just as we humans do. Don't you want to end this?"

     Crowley went silent at that. Her answer had hit his heart, and age-old memories were stirred up once again in his mind. His sudden silence didn't go unnoticed by Mika or (y/n) though.

     "Why the uncharacteristic silence, Crowley? You don't seem like your usual self."

     Crowley looked up at Mika, a sad smile on his face. 

     "Believe it or not, Mika, but I used to be human as well. I lost my dear friends and comrades to vampires, just like you. If I had the chance to wind back the clock, I would make sure this war never happened. Because honestly, this idea of yours is something I'd love to have become a reality. Imagine it: Humans and vampires amongst each other, living equally without fear, without war! But I can't see it happening. Humans are greedy, and vampires are arrogant. With traits like this, we'll be stuck in this war forever."

      (y/n) interrupted once again.

     "I don't think that greedy humans are the major problem though. Let me just say this: You guys always look down on humans because you're arrogant, and you've got this stupid idea that humans are lowlier than vampires! Just admit it already! It's like a cultural norm that's accepted in and encouraged in your society to look down on humans as nothing but pigs and livestock since you view yourselves as the superior species. That's the real reason why humans and vampires won't ever get along!"

     "Maybe if you'd all stop acting like dicks and take proper action, both sides, human and vampire, could actually get somewhere in the whole peaceful-equal coexistance dilemma."

     Crowley's head was bowed, deep in thought. 

     (y/n) crouched down to Crowley's level so she could clearly see his face. Softly, she began to speak.

     "Your time is running out

     You're never gonna get it back

     So make the most of every moment

     Stop saving your best for last...

     Today, I'm gonna try a little harder

     Gonna make every moment last longer

     Gonna learn to forgive and forget 

    'Cause we don't have long gonna make the most of it

    Today, I'm gonna love my enemies

    Reach out to someone who needs me

    Make a change make the world a better place

    Cause tomorrow could be one day too late

    One day too late..."*

*These are song lyrics. The song is One Day Too Late by Skillet. This is one of my favorite songs by my favorite band. I strongly recommend you to check out their music, but you don't have to. Just an idea...

*Also, for the whole of next week I'll be gone, so I won't be able to upload a new chapter. I'll continue to write the story though as soon as I get back.

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