[Yuu x Reader] One Shot: Dark (Part I)

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Just found this in my computer, totally forgot about it .u. But cuz it's something to upload, well, why not? And if you guys like it/are interested, maybe I'll continue it (or maybe I'll just randomly pick it up again regardless, who knows)

{AU}: Modern One-Shot

A week ago, (y/n) had received the unexpected. All she had been expecting was a simple, thin envelope containing a letter that would bluntly tell her that she just wasn't good enough to attend the Sanguinem Royal School of Art. She'd expected a letter of rejection, one with the easy formatting that every college used- the ones that were simply a fill-in-the-blank template with a fancy signature added at the end. But that wasn't what she received, and it certainly wasn't a rejection that was written. Instead, this is what her letter had said:

Dear Ms. (y/n) (l/n),

Congratulations on your admission to the Sanguinem Royal School of Art. We are pleased to have you join us, and look forward to the many accomplishments that you will achieve during your time at the Academy. We are certain you will make a wonderful addition to our student body and look forward to seeing you soon.

She had been so excited to read that letter. Hell, excited was probably an understatement in her case. It had been her life's dream to become a professional artist- ever since she was a child. The games she'd played, the dolls she had, she'd eventually outgrown all of those and left them behind. But art was always the one thing that never went away. Not once in her life had she ever stopped drawing. Even when her close family and friends told her it was futile, ridiculous to dedicate so much time to art, she persevered and continued onwards. They had told her it was useless to be an artist- that artists didn't receive much money for their work, that hardly anyone bought art these days, and that she'd wind up on the street for her efforts. But September came, and (y/n) found herself on the steps of the prestigious school, surrounded by hundreds of other students swarming up the stairs into the grand building of her dreams. It was absolutely surreal. And it seemed her efforts had in fact, paid off.


Three and a half months into the school year, and she was already tired. (y/n) let out a sigh of relief as class was dismissed and everyone poured out into the hallway, already conversing with one another about their Winter Breaks. Slipping her phone out of her jean's pocket she powered it on, blankly staring at the glowing apple icon as her mind wandered about, picking up stray pieces of conversation.

We're going back to Jamaica for a family reunion...

Oh my God, I can't wait to relax in the hot springs, it's been such a stressful semester...!

D'you think I'll be able to snatch tickets to see Hamilton...?

(y/n) sighed wistfully as she heard the snippets of conversation floating about her.

Figures that they'd go somewhere for Winter Break, (y/n) thought as she weaved her way through the throngs of students to her locker, patiently waiting for her phone to switch to the lock screen.

The majority of students who attended the Sanguinem Royal School of Art were quite well off- often being young aristocrats in the making or some kind of distant royalty obsessed with art, so it was pretty much a given that they'd get the luxury of traveling during Break. (y/n) had gotten in on scholarship- one of the five students who had been considered talented enough to be given one. But talent didn't always cover the payment required for such luxuries such as traveling, and coming from a middle-class family didn't exactly bestow an eighty-five billion dollar fortune upon her.

Guess I'll take a walk around the parks, maybe stop by the mall to restock art supplies...?

She spun the combination on her lock, fingers slowly brushing across the tiny etched numerals as she felt for the right ones.

Ah, who am I kidding, I'll probably just sleep till noon every day and paint in my studio with bedhead and pajamas. It's not like I'll need to go out for any reason anyways...

She fumbled with the last few digits of her lock, frowning at the sudden difficulty of turning the dials. Sighing in frustration at the stubborn dials, she turned to the dark-haired guy chatting away with a cute girl at the locker next to her.

"Hey Jin, could you hold my phone for a sec?"

Jin nodded, holding out a hand for the phone without breaking off the conversation between him and the girl.

Now...let's see....

(y/n) gritted her teeth, grasping the lock with both hands and struggling to twist it open. The lock slipped open a bit, but not enough to remove it from the locker. (y/n) growled in frustration, yanking and pulling at the lock forcefully.

"Hey (y/n)...?" There was a tapping at her shoulder.

"Not now, Jin." (y/n) narrowed her eyes, annoyed but still fixated on her task.

"But (y/n)-"

There was a loud crunching sound as the lock was wrenched from the locker and driven into Jin's nose. Blood immediately began to pour from said nose as he stumbled backwards from the impact. One hand went to stem the flow of the gushing blood while the other tried to unsuccessfully flip her off, as (y/n)'s phone was still in his grasp.

"Goddammit (y/n)!"

(y/n) winced at the sight of the gushing blood from Jin's nose.

"Sorry!" That's got to hurt.

Slipping the lock into her pocket, she rummaged around in her bag for tissues. Finding a small pack, she quickly yanked out a few and handed them over to him. He grumbled ungratefully as he snatched them from her hand, wrapping them around his nose and tossing her the phone.

"Someone was calling you, that's why I was trying to get your fucking attention. Seriously, being a decent human being hardly merits a broken nose..."

(y/n) fumbled for her phone, managing to barely catch it before it hit the floor. Jin sighed, turning on his heel for the office.

"I'm gonna take care of my nose, try not to hit any other poor shmuck who comes your way."

(y/n) rolled her eyes, but nodded grudgingly. Popping the door to her locker open, she glanced down at her phone. Her mood lifted up as soon as she saw who had called.


Quickly swiping the lock screen aside and entering in her password, she selected his contact number and patiently waited for him to pick up. Sure enough, a couple seconds later, he picked up.

"Hey (y/n)~!"

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