Cursed Gear: Yoru no Eiji

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     Okay, so I'm aware that I didn't post yesterday. I couldn't get it into Wattpad, because there was this annoying typing glitch that was happening. Every time I tried to delete an unwanted letter or word or something, it deleted one more symbol/space/word than it needed to. T'was pretty frustrating. I'll post the chapter later today or tomorrow though.

     Yoru no Eiji is the name of your Cursed Gear. It supposedly means Night's Edge, but I'm not sure how correct that translation is.

Cursed Gear Information:

Name: Yoru no Eiji (Night's Edge),
Demon's Appearance: Red haired, green eyed, male demon (I'll draw him out as well later)


Demon's Thrall: Yoru can enter his host's dreams and enter their memories to create nightmares of his host's past in order to break his host's will and take over their body. This ability can only be used against his host. However, because (y/n) has her unique power, sometimes the inhuman side of her, the monster, can take over her as well (since it is much more powerful than the demon). Of course, there are special circumstances for that to happen- (y/n) must be awake at the time, the inhuman part of her can't take over in a dream
Basic Form: A Whipsword with green and black blades. Merely drawing him increases his bearer's physical abilities significantly and calling upon his name increases them tremendously.
Countdown to Doomsday: Whenever her whipsword strikes the enemy, a small tattooed copy of a doomsday clock will appear on her enemy's skin. The clock will tick once every second to midnight, so the enemy will die in twelve seconds, no exceptions unless the clock is stopped by the sword's wielder. Each second inflicts an hour's worth of torture, both mental and physical, upon the enemy. Usually, the mental torture is composed of the enemy's worst memories and being forced to relive them. The physical torture, well, I'm sure you can imagine what its like. Once the clock hits midnight, then the enemy dies. If her whipsword hits the enemy more than once, then the enemy will simply experience more pain. The more the number of clocks, the more times the pain is multiplied by. All the clocks will however, keep on counting down at the same time in accordance to the latest clock put on the enemy's skin.

Other Information:

- The world that the demon lives in within the sword is called the Void, which is literally the edge and furthest part of space, and is littered with a large scattering of stars. You can see a wide expanse of sea from up high where (y/n) and her demon are

- (y/n) stands on the clouds when she goes into her demon's world

- When the demon is close to taking over and possessing (y/n) the stars in the Void will blink out one by one until all is dark, with only the silvery clouds left in the blackness

- When the demon and its master are about to be overtaken and defeated by either the master's monster within or by the vampires, the clouds on which the demon and (y/n) stood on that used to be so high in the sky, shall sink into dark sea below. It'll be an example of how far they have fallen, literally, and how tall and powerful they once were before they were defeated

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