I miss you

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"Chanyeol. Don't leave tomorrow. Please don't. Your my best friend. I'll miss you" you told Chanyeol. Both of you were lying on the ground with flowers everywhere.  "Aish. I have too. Its for my future too, you know?.. I'll miss you too, [Y/N]. " he tells you while looking up. You look up too. "Hey [Y/N], Do you trust me?" he asked you. "Yes! Of course!" you told me looking at him. "If anything happens. You have to trust me okay?" "Yes coconut!" "Good squirrel!".

Your alarm clock rang. You slowly got up. "Its just a dream. Aish" you say. You started to go take a shower. You've been having dreams about the Coconut off and on. You really missed him. He was your only best friend. You and him will always make fun of each other, call names to each other. Both you used to make derp faces to passby-ers. They were probarly thinking 'This kids must be high Tsk.Tsk.Tsk' which you weren't. Chanyeol was the only who was always on your side. He comforted you when your parents passed away due to a car crash. He always made you smile no matter what. He had to leave one day cause he was a tranie of SM Entertainment. You understand why he had to go. It was for his career. Your attitude changed from happy smiley girl to cold hearted not caring about other people girl. To be honest you had other friends but no close friends. You hardly interacted with them. It was already 7:00am. You had to leave now cause you walk to school. You and Chanyeol used to walk to school together. 'I really miss him' you thought to yourself. When you reached school, you saw a lot of girls infornt of your class. You didn't bother. You pushed your way into the class. "[Y/N]! you survived!" Minhyuk one of your classmates exclaimed. You just smiled and sate behind near the window. You put your headphones on and stared out the window. After a while the teacher walks in. "Good morning. We have surprisingly 12 new students. Please Come in" They entered. All the girls squeled except you. You didn't bother. They introduced themselves. "Helloooo! I am Park Chanyeol. a.k.a the happy virus". Wait. Chanyeol? Is it really him? No..Even if it is he won't remeber me. you thought. Then the 12 guys went to take a seat. " Excuse me but is this seat taken?" a voice asked. You were hoping it was Chayeol but he took the seat infront of you with this other guy. You sighed a bit. "Ani". He then sat next to you. "Hey. My name is Kim Jongdae but you can call me Chen" he introduces and bows.

"[Y/N]" you tell him. He smiles. Then Chanyeol and the boy turned behind facing us. "Ola amigo! My name is Chanyeol!" He introduces and puts his hand out for a hand shake. "My name is [Y/N]" you say. "And my name is Baekhyun!" the boy said. You smiled and noded. 'Coconut doesn't remember...'  you thought. You stood up from your place. Chen looked up at you in surprise. He saw a tear falling down. "are you okay [Y/N]?" he asked you with concern. You didn't answer. You just ran out of class. Luckily teacher wasn't there. You could hear a voice calling you but you didn't care. You stopped running when you reached the field. You felt a hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay?" the voice asked. You look behind to see Chen. You shook your head. He hugged you and said "Its okay. Don't cry.. Tell me what had happen," you kept silent. "Do you trust me?" he said looking into your eyes. You slighty noded. 'That's what Chanyeol asked me' . Both of you sat down and you started to explain. He understood. "To cut it short, you and Chanyeol were best friends like forever. And now he doesn't remember you or you think he doesn't remember." he says. you nod. He sighs. "Maybe he just needs time to relax. We've been busy doing our comback. But now we have to continue studying. EH!! Maybe you should come to our dome tonight! Maybe you and Chanyeol can talk and maybe he'll remember?" he tells you hoping you'll agree. "Umm.. I don't know. Maybe next time." you tell him. "Yah [Y/N]! Come on! Tonigh please! Its Friday" 'Oh yeah.' you thought. "Fine". He jumped up and down when you agreed. After a little while more, you guys decide to go back to class. On the way to class you asked Chen "Er. Chen. Why do you want to help me so badly to be friends with him again?".

{A\N} HELLOOO! This is My second fan fic but technically first cause my Original first one had some problems.. weird I know but i had to delete it. hopefulky nothing happens to this one! ^^ ENJOY~

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