wait.. what?

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[A\N] Back to your POV :)

"Do you trust me?" you hear a voice say. You couldn't see who it was. "Who are you?" you ask the person. "You don't know who I am?? I'm one of your best friends. Or was more lik it." the person said with a sad tone. "But.. My best friend was only Chanyeol." you tell. "THINK HARDER!!! I WAS THERE TOO!!" the person yelled at you.

You woke up. "Its only a dream..but who was that?" you ask yourself. You got from bed and when to take a bath. You changed into your class jersey and wore shorts. You decided to go to a coffee shop for breakfast. You got your phone and your wallet and went off. When you reached the place you took a seat. You ordered.You turned on your phone and saw you had a message. Its from Chanyeol but you presume its Chen. And it was. 'Hey [Y/N] sorry for hanging up just now.. So you coming today? Luhan hyung and Xiuming hyung want to discuss.. I'll pick you up?' . You replied saying. 'Hello Chen. I guess today is fine. Its okay I'll walk there' when you send it off you realised that it'll go to Chanyeol's phone. 'Oh shit. eff you Chen. eff you Chen' you mentally cursed Chen. You decided to just leave it and just enjoy your breakfast. 

~Back at the dorm~


Chen couldn't sleep at all. He was remembering the times you, Chanyeol and  Chen played at the park, the pranks he did to you, how you'll react to it. He missed it all. He suddenly shot up from his.bed and went out. "Hyung, where are...you...going?" Sehun asked Chen as he walked out the bedroom. Chen ignored him. Sehun just went back to sleep. 'I should at least apologise for hanging up,' he thought. Chen snucked into Chanyeol's room and took Chanyeol's phone. Chen quickly got out with Channie's phone. Chen went back to his room text messaging you. He put Chanyeol's phone on Chen's desk. "I'll keep it here so Chanyeol won't reply." he whispered to himself so he won'y wake up Sehun. Chanyeol's ringtone is some metal rock song. In the morning when you replied the message ringtone went on. It was really loud. "Yah hyung!! Turn it off!!" Sehun shouted at Chen. Chen was slowly making his way to Chanyeol's phone to irritate the maknae. "Hurry up hyung!!!" sehun yelled again at Chen. Chen laughed a bit at Sehun's reaction. He then took the phone and answered your message. Chen started to jump for joy to your reply.

(Back to your POV)

'You sure [Y/N]? And this is still ChenChen. I stole Channie's phone. hehehehe' Chen replied. 'ChenChen...Its seem fimiliar...' you thought. You brushed it off anf you replied 'Yes I'm sure.' and he didn't reply after that. After eating you decided to go back to your house to get some stuff to bring over. You payed the bill and left. You started to walk to their dorm after you got your stuff. On the way you saw Luhan and Chanyeol buying some bread at a bakery. You decided to walk towards them "uhm..Hey Luhan. Hey Chanyeol." you greeted them. They lookes at you. "Oh hey [Y/N]! On the way to the dorm?" Luhan asked you while Chanyeol payed for the breads. You nod. "Why don't you follow us [Y/N]?" Chanyeol told you smiling at you. You felt like jumping up and down when he smiled at you but you calmed yourself down and agreed. So you were walking with them in silent. "So uhm.." Luhan broke the silence. "Why did you leave after a few minutes yesterday?" he asked you. "Yeah? I thought you, Luhan hyung, Xiumin hyung and Chen were going to do some project?" Chanyeol added. "Well... uhm.. I had to do something else." you answered lookinh down. They both parted their lips in an "ohh". Then it was silence again. All of you finally reached the dorm. They brought you in. You saw Sehun staring at you. You looked at him a bit angrily and he quickly looked away. "Chen!!! [Y/N] is here!" Luhan yelled as he placed the breads on the kitchen counter. He quickly ran out his room and hugged you. "Er hey?" you say pushing him. "Don't you ever leave like that again! especially at night!" Chen advices you. You just nod. "Luhan! Did you buy Baozi?" Xiumin asked going through the bags. Luhan didn't answer. "Luhannnn you forgot again???" Xiumin whined. "You didn't tell me."Luhan tried to defend himself. "But I told Lay to tel.. oh wait. Nevermind". Chen,Sehun, Luhan and Chanyeol understood except you. "What's wrong with Lay?" you aske in curiosty. "Well, Lay is quite forgetful. That's why we try not to tell him things to tell the other members." Chen explained. As that happened Lay walked in. "Hellooooo. Oh. We have a guest. My name is Lay." he greets you and bows. " Hello, my name is [Y/N]. " you tell Lay and he smiles. "Hyung did you buy baozi?"Lay asked Luhan. Luhan looked at him in confussion. "But you didn't tell me too buy it." he told Lay. "Huh? Buy what?" Lay asked looking around. "Aish. Nevermind" Luhan told him patting Lay's shoulder. You when to sit on the couch waiting for them to finish their breakfast. "Hey [Y/N], sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to make you uncomfartable." Sehun came to sit next to you apologizing. You stare at him for a while. "Its fine" you finally say to him and quickly looking down. He got up and left you there. He went back to his room. You looked back at the kitchen and Chen wasn't there. You got up and went to the kitchen. "Where's Chen?" you asked Xiumin. "He's in his room changing I think?" he answers. You nod and then you sit down on an empty chair. You start listening to the stories this guys tells especially Chanyeol's stories. He used to that when you were younger. 'Aish.. memories' you say in your mind.

{A\N} I got 2 Votes! :D yeay!! Thank you!! Hope you enjoy the other chapters. Please do tell me what to improve here. Please Vote, Comment, Share, Follow! ^^ Thank you! *bows 90°* ENJOY~

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