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" Where's Chen and Tao?" Lay asked as he comes out from his room rubbing the back of his neck. "They went out somewhere" Luhan said. "So what's for dinner, Kyungsoo?" Xiumin asked rubbing his tummy. "For the first time.. The food I cooked acuatlly burned" Kyungsoo sadly announces to them "WHAAAA???" they all shout in union. Kris comes up to Kyungsoo and took a picture of his misery. "Seriously hyung??" Kyungsoo says pushing Kris away. "Its for memories". Kris smirked. "What are you doing Xiumin hyung?" Sehun asked Xiumin,who is typing really fast. "I'm gonna call Chen" he answered. "CHEN!!!" Xiumin shouted. "What hyung?????" Chen asked as he rubs his ears. "Go buy food for us!!!" "Didn't Kyungsoo cook?" "It burned" "OMO! REALLY?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Did someone take a picture??" "Yeah Kris did,". "Kris, Chen says good job hyung" Xiumin told Kris. Kris thens put two thumbs up. "Please go buy food now... Pleaseeeee" Xiumin pleaded. "Okay okay. We'll buy anything hyung" Chen informed the oldest. "Yah whatever. Just buy food!!" "Okay bye." "bye" they ended. "Chen's buying something. He didn't tell what" Xiumin told them. Baekhyun got up and went to Chanyeol's room. He knocked on it first. "Come in" Chanyeol said from inside. Baekhyun came in. "Who you talking to?" he asked Chanyeol who was still at his bed texting you. "Texting [Y/N]." he tells Baekhyun. "Is she your long lost best friend?" Baekhyun askes in curiousty. Chanyeol noded. Baekhyun's mouth parted in an 'ohh'. "How is [Y/N] like? Is she awesome like me?" Baekhyun asked prasing himself. Chanyeol didn't say anything. He just continued to type. Baekhyun waited for a reply but got nothing from Chanyeol. "Aish fine! I'll ask another time. You're too busy talking with [Y/N] then to answer a simple question..hmm... " Baekhyun told Chanyeol off. He shut the door with a BANG! Chanyeol looked up in suprise. He didn't do anything. He continued to laugh at the text messages. Baekhyun came out looking a bit angry. He plopped himself on the couch next to Lay. "Why are you angry?" Lay asked Baekhyun-who was looking red-. "Its nothing." he answers after calming down.

~Back to Chen And Tao~

"Let's go buy rice cakes!" Tao suggested. "But we had that on Friday." Chen complained. "I know! Let's have McDonalds!" Chen suggested pointing at it. "Yeah!!" Tao agrees. They both quickly made their way there and ordered a lot. After paying, they were carrying about 4 bags full of food. "So muchhh food" Tao complains. "Aish stop complaining. We're almost home." Chen says hitting the back of the panda. "Aishh" Tao says in pain. After argues and argues they finally reached home. "WE'RE HOME!!!" Chen yells as Tao opens the door. All the boys at the living room jumped up and quickly helped them. They helped only because its food. "Thank hyung!" Sehun thanked Tao and Chen as he back-hugged them. All of them took their own and went to sit at the living room. "Kung Fu Panda!! YEAY!!" Tao screams in joy. He quickly got the front seat. "Thanks again Chen" Suho thanks him. "No problem hyung."Chen responds. Chen looked around and noticed that Chanyeol isn't there. Chen tried to ask "Where's Cha..." "His in his room" Baekhyun said finishing Chen's sentence. Chen nodded. He decided to go get him out of the room. He went in the room and barged in. "Yah Chanyeol! Stop texting! Dinner is here!! Come and eat dinner with us!"Chen tells Chanyeol. "Oh hey! Wait~Let me finish this.... OKAY!" Chanyeol said leaving his phone there. He walked out. Chen followed him after closing the door. Chen went back to his seat next to Lay and Xiumin. While Chanyeol sat next to Baekhyun and Luhan. "You've been busy texting eh,Chanyeol hyung?" Kai asked as they watch the movie. "Ehehe. Yeah." Chanyeol answers and starts to blush a bit. "Shuu" Tao hushed them. 'Its all cause of me Chanyeol' Chen thought. It was getting late and all of them had school the next day. "Guys go to sleep now." Suho orders them "Ne" they say in union. They all went to their own rooms.

{A\N} This chapter was more on the boys. Sorry for any errors! please forgive me. ('~')

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