Ever thought about it?

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Tao quietly went out the room and tip toed to the door. He put on his shoes and went out the door. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. He walked all the way to the hospital. He couldn't sleep at the dorm. While walking towards the hospital Tao apparently bumped into you. "Sorry." he apologised. "Its okay." you tell. You look and see Tao. "Oh hey Tao" you greet and smile. He smiles and quickly walks into the hospital. You looked a bit shock. "Wonder what's up ." you say. You brushed it off and continued to walk back home. Tao went in to the elevator and went to the floor Chen was at. He entered the room and saw Chen asleep. Tao sat on a chair next to Chen's bed. "I'm sorry hyung but Suho hyung found out cause of me..." Tao whispers. He felt guilty. "Its okay..It would have come out soon." Chen quietlt said. "Hmm..You're awake." Tao says playfully pushing Chen. "Can't sleep yet. And I thought Kris woukd be first..Hahaha." Chen said and laughed. Tao just smiled. After a while Tao fell a sleep on the chair. Chen noticed him sleeping and he put his extra blanket on him. "You'll get cold idiot." Chen whispered. Chen turned around to face the other side. He fell asleep after a few minutes.

"Urghh.." Tao moans in pain. He rubs the back of his neck. He looked around and realised he was in the hospital. He forgotten that he walked here. Tao stood up and streched. "Morning panda." Chen greeted Tao as he ate his breakfast. Tao looked at Chen and greetes back. Ring Ring Ring Tao's phone rung. "Hello?" Tao said as he picked it up. "Yo. Its Baek. We're coming to the hospital now." Baekhyun informed."Uhm.Okay..Are all of you coming??" "Yeah why?? Even [Y/N] is coming". Tao kept silent for a while. "Er.. hello??" Baekhyun asked again. "Oh..okay..see you." Tao finally says. "Who that bro?" Chen asked. "Baek.. The guys are coming and uhm.." Tao said not sure to tell or not. "And uhm what?" Chen asked looking at Tao. "[Y/N] is coming too." he says. Chen nods and smiles. He didn't say anything after that. The boys and you entered the room after a while. "CHENNNN" Sehun yelled rushing over and giving him a hug. "Let..go..of..me.." Chen tried saying as he gasp for air. Sehun's hug was so tight. Sehun let go. "Feeling better?" Suho came in asking. Chen nodded. Suho looked at Tao and smiled. He came closer to Tao."Its okay bro. We won't transfer." Suho told him. Tao smiled back in relief. All of the others including you came in greeting Chen. "You feeling better Chen?" you asked as you come closer. He looks at you and smiles. 'I miss you' he thoughts. He wants to tell you but he can't, not yet. They all talk about how Kyungsoo ran away from a bug. "And...he screamed like a little girl..HAHAH" Chanyeol told. Everyone burst out laughing. "Aish! The bug was big!" Kyungsoo complains. The doctor knocks and comes in. "Sorry if I'm disturbing but Jongdae you can be discharged today." the doctor informs. Everyone cheered. All of them went to go buy some food. They left you with Chen. "Just you and me ,eh Chen." you told him. "Hm..yeah" he tells you. Awkwardness was in the air. "Uhm [Y/N] could you tell me how you and Chanyeol become friends?" he asked after clearing the awkwardness. "Oh okay." you tell him. He looked at you like a little boy waiting for a bedtime story. You stared at him. 'Looks fimiliar' you thought. You shoock your head and decided to tell. "Well, I don't really remember how Chanyeol and I became friends. But I do I remember 2 boys approaching me. They asked if we could be friends. I said yes and I'm happy I did. The taller one was Chanyeol but the shorter one...I can't really remember.." you say. Chen looked at you in the eyes. "Did you ever think that the bo.." Chen said but cut off by the boys,who were barging in. He frowned but brushed it off. You look at Chen. He looks at you and smiles. You smile back. Chanyeol comes up to you and puts his arm around your shoulder. "Miss me?" he asked whispering in your ear. You rolled your eyes. "Not at all." you tell him. He puts his hand on his heart prentending he just got heartbroken. "Aish Chanyeol when did you become a drama queen?" Baekhyun asked as he punches him in the shoulder. "Ouch!" Chanyeol yelps and rubs his shoulder. Baekhyun sticks his tongue and so does Chanyeol. Suho goes up to Chen. "Ready to go?" he asked. Chen nods. "Come on guys and girl. Let's go." he says walking towards the door. "See you outside Chen." Suho says and walks off. The other followed except Tao. "Here again?" Chen says getting uo from the bed. "You were close you know." Tao says leaning against the wall. Chen sighed. "I know. But you guys barged in without knocking" he says jokingly. Tao half smiles. "Let's go." Tao says and pulls Chen along. They go to the waiting room where everyone was. "Palli. Palli. Let's go." Suho says shoo'ing you and the boys away. There were 2 vans there. Suho,Chanyeol,Kai,Chen,Xiumin,Luhan and you were in the first van. The second van consist of Kyungsoo,Baekhyun,Sehun,Tao,Kris and Lay. "See you at the dorm" Tao says and enters the van. You sat inbetween Luhan and Chen. You tapped on Chen shoulder. He looked at you and smiled. "What were you going to tell me just now?" you ask him looking curious. "Oh.. Nothing." he says and smiles. He quickly turns and looks out the window. You looked flustrated. "Why do look so flustrated [Y/N]?" Luhan asked looking at you. "Homework." you tell. His mouth parts in an 'ohh'. "[Y/N] are you going to school tomorrow?" Kai asked you. "I guess. How about all of you?" you ask back raising an eyebrow. "We'll see. But Chen won't go tomorrow." Suho says. Chen shot up in surprise. "Who said?" he asked. "The doctor." Suho said. Chen frowned. He, for some odd reason, wanted to go to school. You all reached the dorm. They all entered the dorm. You didn't bother to go in. You decided to go home. "[Y/N] where you going? Not going in?" Sehun asked. "Oh hey. And no. I got some homework that's need to be passed up tomorrow." you explained. "Or you just running awat from Chen?" he asked. You looked at him in confussion. "Why would I? I missed a day of school and I need to get homework done!" you tell him. He just looks at you and shakes his head. You turned and stormed off. "Getting on my nerves when ever you can." you say. While walking back, you realised you forgot your phone. "Aish. pabo" you say hitting yourself in the head. You turn the other way and walk back to the dorm. You knocked on the door. It opened and Sehun was there. He looked at you with his poker face. "I forgot my phone. I suspect Chanyeol took it." you tell him. He moves aside and let you in. "His at the couch." he tells you. "Chanyeol! Gimmie my phone back!" you say looking at him with a, aegyo, angry face. "So cute!!" he says and pinches your cheecks. "Here you go." he gives it to you. "Thank you!" you say grabbing your phone. You turned it on and saw that he changed your background. Now your background was you and him. You took this picture during the picnic. You smiled. "You like don't ya?" he says. You nod. He jumps for joy. "And now goodbyee" you say. He stops jumping. "But you just got here!!" he tells you grabbing your arm. "I need to finish homework." you tell him. "Fine.." he says and let's go your hand. You wave goodbye and finally walking back home.

{A\N} enjoying it? Sorry for the late update. Please comment what I can improve cause I think some parts its like too fast. Sorry about that. But thank you for reading. I'm planning to do a new story soon. Are you guys excited for Running Man with EXO? sad that Chanyeol won't be there. T-T its okay Kris can be kwang soo's twin hahahahaha

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