Science project? Really?

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"Er. Chen. Why do you want to help me so badly to be friends with him again?" you ask Chen. He just keeps quite and continues to walk. "Chen!! Answer me NOW!" you yell at him and he stopped. He looked back you plainly smiled at you. " I have my reasons [Y/N]" he says then continues to walk. You stood there for a while thinking about what he said. You brushed it off and quickly ran back to class. You went to sit down at your place. "Hey [Y/N] and Chen. Both of you will be working with Luhan hyung and Xiumin hyung for the science project." Baekhyun informs both of you. 'Luhan? Xiumin? Whose that?'. "Xiumin is there with the puffy cheecks and Luhan is the angelic lookinh guy" Chen tells you as if he was reading your mind. You looked at him surprised. "You said it out loud dummy." he says. You turned a light shade of red with embarressment. DING DONG DING DONG. The school bell rung. "Finally its over. And its only my first day. Aish." you heard Chanyeol exclaim. You smiled just hearing his voice alone. "Hello? Anyone home in there" chen says poking your head. You glared at him. "Hm... Your coming back with me tonight. We have to do our Science with Luhan hyung and Xiumin hyung." he tells you. More like forcing you. "Do I have a choice." "No, you don't" "It wasn't meant to be answered" "Well I wanted to" he sticks his tongue out. You make a 'whatever' face. You followed him to their car.       "Hyung, whose that?" a boy with a poker face asked. " She's [Y/N]. She'll be working with me, Luhan hyung and Xiumin hyung for science." Chen explains. "So this is [Y/N]!! Hello!! My name is Luhan" he tells you. You smile and bow. "I'm Sehun!" the poker faces boy said. "This is Suho,DO, Kai, Tao, Kris,Lay and this is Xiumin" Chen says as pointing at them. He introduced them because it'll be faster and they were all hungry. All of you got into the car. You sat in between Chen and Kris. You felt really awkward. You was quite the whole ride to their dorm. When you reached there you quickly got out. "Felt squashed in there?" a voice asked. You nod. "Jinja? Sorru if we made you feel squished between Kris gege and Chen gege" "Uhm. Its okay" you tell him. "By the way I'm Tao. Though Chen already told you. hehe" he tells  you. You smile. "My name is [Y/N]". "Let's go in!" Chen exclaims from the back bringing you in. When you got into the dorm, everyone went to their own rooms. 'I should've just went home' you said to yourself while just standing infront of the door. "You know you can sit down,right?" Sehun told you. He was the only who didn't go to a room. You felt a bit embaressed. So you went it and sat down at the couch. Sehun brought a glass of water. He gave it to you. You accept it. He took a seat next to you.It was silence for a while. "Why are you here?" he asked you looking at his hands breaking the silence. "Chen practically forced me to come." you tell him clutching your fist. "Why?". You paused for a while. You were hesitined. "Tell me". "Why should I tell to someone I barely know? If you want to know so badly ask Chen." you tell him feeling a bit pissed off. He kept quite. You got up and looked at Sehun. "Just tell Chen I'm not feeling well. We can discuss the project tomorrow. I'm going home" you telk hime walking towards the door. "Okay." a simple answer. No arguement. Thank goodness. You say goodbye to him and you start to walk back home. Luckily you knew where you were so it was easy to go back. When you reaches home, someone was calling you. You took out your phone and saw that Chanyeol was calling.

{A\N} Sorry if this sucked. But continue to read to find out why was Chanyeol calling. Or was it really Chanyeol?

Hehehehe Enjoyyy ~~

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