I forgot

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"It was all thanks to me, you know?" the voice told you. "Who are you?" you ask. "Thanks to me you and Chanyeol are texting. If I didn't tell him, you wouldn't be texting him!" the voice fires at you. "Chen?" you ask. The voice didn't answer. "CHEN?!" you ask shouting. No answer again.

You woke up. "Why was Chen there?" you ask out load. RINGG!! Your alarm clock rang but you were already changing after you bathed. "I should enjoy today. I'll finally talk to Chanyeol like the good old times." you say to yourself. You smiled remebering the texts from last night. You finished your breakfast and made your way to school. While walking to school you bumped into someone making you drop your file with all your papers in it. "Oh gosh. Sorry" you aplogised to the person. "Its okay. I'm sorry for stopping in the middle of the street" he aplogised back. You recongnised that voice. You looked up to see Lay. "[Y/N]!" he says. "Hey Lay." you greet him. "What are you doing here??" Lay asked you. "On my way to school.Why are you here?" you ask him back. "Oh just.. uhm.. well..I'm..er... lost." he tells you realising that he wasn't sure where he was. You giggled at his answer. "Let's go to school together then!" yoi suggest smiling at him. Lay nods. He follows you like a lost puppy. It was so cute. The way to school was a bit awkward. You weren't sure what to ask or to talk about. "Lay why weren't with the others?" you finally ask making it a bit less awkward. "Uhm..cause..uhm.. I'm not really sure." Lay says sractching his head in confusion. Both of you finally reach school. When you entered your class, you noticed that none of the members were there except Lay who followed you. You went to sit down at your place."[Y/N]!" a voice calls your name. You looked up to see Minhyuk ,your classmate, callinv you. "Ne?" you tell him. "Suho asked me to give you this. They said they're not coming today." Minhyuk tells you as he passes you a piece of paper. "Huh? Then how about Lay?" you asked him as you remember about Lay. "I don't knowwww" he sings. You shook your head as your friend started to dance. He was embarresing but he's awesome. You started to read the message on the paper. 'Hey [Y/N] ! Suho here. Just informing you that the members and me won't be coming to class for today and tomorrow. Tq. XOXO suho.' you read. Lay was reading the letter too as he seated next to you but you didn't noticesd. "I wonder where they went?!" he says. You were a bit startled. "You didn't know?" you asked him. "I did. But I forgot. Its okay. It doesn't really consern me." he tells you smiling. He then left you by yourself at your table. He went off to Minhyuk and his friends. You just sat there staring out the window. You were thinking about your dream. 'Why was Chen there?' you thought. You were thinking that you didn't realised the teacher was next to you. "Excuse me [Y/N]. Pay attention!" she scolded you. You quickly aplogise. Your teacher just shook her head. She then went back infront and continued. This time you tried to pay attention.

{A\N} Short update. Need to finish homework Sorry. (_ _")

I remember but you don't{EXO Fan Fic}*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now