Thank you Chen.

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When you reached home, you flopped yourself on your bed. You took out your phone staring at it. You were debating to message Chanyeol or not. You weren't sure if its the right move or what. Ting! Your phone rung. You recieved a message from Chanyeol. 'Is it Chen again?' you thought. You open the text message. You eyes widened as it wasn't a message from Chen. It was from Chanyeol himself. 'Hey squirrel! Remember me? hehehe ^^ sorry that I didn't recognise you when I saw u at school. Silly me. hehehe. So you wanna meet up?'. You felt so happy that he finally remembers you. You cried a bit. Those were tears of joy. "Thank you Chen" you said. Its not like he will hear or anything. You started to to type to replt his message. You replied with 'YEAY!! Finally! hehehe I miss you, you know? YES we should meet up! :D and could you send me Chen's number please~' . After a few minutes, Chanyeol replied. 'Don't u think I miss you? hehehe. Let's go to the amusement park!! Here you go 639107282995' {Lol literally random numbers}. You quickly message Chen. "Hey Chen its [Y/N]. Thank you for helping me. See you in school soon! <3 ^^'. He replies as soon as you send the message. "Hey..its my pleasure.see ya soon'. You then continue to message Chanyeol like forever. After ,god knows how many messages, you decided to go sleep cause you have school tomorrow. 'I want to sleep now. goodnight coconut ^^' you text Chanyeol back. 'Fineee... goodnight!' he reply. "Its the best day ever!" you shout feeling like yourself again.

-In the dorm-

All of the members could here Chanyeol laughing to himself in his room. "Is Chanyeol okay?" Kris asked Baekhyun. "I don't know? I had scheadule like the whole day." he tells Kris. "Chanyeol is usually out watching TV now." Suho says. All the other members agree except Chen and Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo was in the kitchen cooking. Chen was sitting near the kitchen. He looked depressed. Kyungsoo noticed Chen looking depressed. "Chen, why do you look so sad?"he asked. "No I'm not. I'm just tired" Chen tries to lie. "Don't lie. You're not yourself. Come on tell me. You can trust me." Kyungsoo says to try to get the truth. Chen looks down and sighes. Kyungsoo comes close to Chen. He lifted Chen's chin so they would be looking eye-to-eye. "Why are you depressed. Its better to tell then keeping it bottled up" he tells Chen. "Uhm.. Kyungsoo.. Something is burning." Chen tells him. "Ahhh.. My kimchi spagethi!!" Kyungsoo jumps up and quickly goes to his food. Chen took this oppurtunatity to go to his room. "Chen hyung. Where you going?" Tao asked. Chen thought for a while. "Uhm.. I'm going for a walk." he finally answers Tao's question. "Let's go then" Tao says getting up from his seat. Chen nods and puts his shoes on. So did Tao. "Becareful guys" Suho adviced them. "Yes hyung." they say in union. It was silent walk for some odd reason. "Come hyung. Let's go to Han river?" Tao suggest. "I guess." Chen responds. So they started to make their way there. When they reached there, there was hardly anybody there. The few people there are elderly people so the two of them didn't have to worry about fans or anything. Chen sat near the river looking into it. Tao started to collect rocks. "What are you doing Panda?" Chen asked Tao. "Collecting rocks to skip them here" He says pointing to the river. Chen's phone suddenly buzzed. He received your message for thanking him. He didn't smile at all. He just looked even more depressed. He sighed again. He replied. He threw his phone away from him. He laid down looking up. "Dude. Are you okay?" Tao asked after you laid down. Chen almost forgot he aas here. Chen got a bit startled. "No I'm not okay." he answers Tao. Tao sat next to Chen. "Come on tell me then hyung" . Chen sat up. "How would you react is you had 2 best friends when you were younger but one of them doesn't remember you at all. And that person only remembers the other bestfriend. And this best friend who is remembered doesn't really remember the best friend who only remembers that particular best friend and.." Chen said but got cut off by Tao. "Hold up. Hyung, can you just explain from the beggining using real names. I didn't understand what you just said" Tao says scratching his head. Chen nods. "Okay here we go. Chanyeol, [Y/N] and me were best friends from young. I had to leave them when we were nine. I never told [Y/N] cause if I told her before hand she would have pushed me aside and pretend I don't exist so I asked Chanyeol to tell her when I'm acuatlly gone. After many years, I finally meet Chanyeol again at SM cause we were both tranies. I still didn't see [Y/N]. So on the first day of school when we entered into the classroom, I finally saw  [Y/N] after so long. I saw her react only when Chanyeol introduced himself. I thought maybe she didn't hear me or something so I brushed it off" Chen sighed. He then started to continue "When teacher asked us to take a seat , I wanted to sit next to her. I asked her if it was free. She looked up a bit dissapointed but she manged to answer. I sat next to her.I introduced myself but she didn't react. She just told me her name. Then Chan and Baek intoduced themselves. I could see [Y/N] feeling sad as Chan introduced. She got up and ran out of class. I followed calling her name. She,thank goodness, stopped. I pulled her into a hug after I asked if she was okay. Both of us sat down. She explained to me what was happening. She literally only remembered Chanyeol. I wasn't in at all..." Chen tried to continue but couldn't anymore. He started to cry. Tao pulled him into a hug. "You promised [Y/N] you'll help her get Chanyeol's memory of her. And you did already. So now you're not sure what to do. Am I right?" Tao says. Chen nods. Chen then laid on the soft grass looking up in the sky. He wiped of his tears. 'I'll make sure you get your memory of me back.' he says in his thoughts determined.

{A\N} 13 reads! Yeay!!! Kamsahambinda. Sorry if its too fast. sorry. But I try to make the chapters as long as possible. This week may or may not have an update cause of meh school. Again sorry. But thank you again for reading. please Vote, Comment,Share and Follow. Saranghae <3 ^^

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