I'm sorry... {SPECIAL CHAPTER}

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Chen's POV -in the I format-

-Chapter: Not Caring?, Wae?! Shock-

I started walking towards the park nearby. I wanted to clear my mind off somethings. While walking in the park, I saw [Y\N]. She was sitting on a bench near the pond by herself. "Might else well see her now." I told myself and made my way towards her. I slowly sat next to her. She turned to face me. "Hey.." I greeted shy. "Hey." she greeted back

~Fast Forward»»~

She left being frustrated with my 'riddles' about the past. I shook my head as I walked back. "Why don't you get it?" I said to myself. As I was walking I felt a sudden pain in my chest. Not now... I clutched my chest, kneeling on the sidewalk. I breathed in and out slowly. Trying to get enough oxygen. After doing that multiple times, the pain faded away. I sighed in relief. If I was going to die, I wouldn't want to die on the streets.

-At dorm-

The dorm was quite. I opened the door to see no one there. I looked left and right, no one. "Sleeping? That's fast." I mummbled to myself. I went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of milk. As I got the milk, I went to sit on the stools near the counter. Slowly drinking the milk, I took my phone to message {Y/N}.

-Conversation in Wae?!-

She was right. I'm here just blamming others. I leaned back on my chair staring into the air. "I'm just making everything difficult..." "Why? What did I do to deserve this kind of torture?!" I shouted. No one was home anyway. "Its just my fault... No one else is..wrong.." I kneeled on the ground tearing. I put my head in between my palms an started rubbing my head. "I'm..sorry.." I blurted out. Again, the pain came back. This time it was worst. I started to shout in pain. One hand was clutching my chest area. The other hand was supporting me on the ground. "HELP.. ME!!" I tried to shout. My hands started getting weak. I fell on the floor facing the door. "..help.." I tried to say. All of a sudden I heard laughter and footstpes. The sound of keys jingling. They are home. "Help..." I softly said. My vision got blurry. "HYUNG!!" someone shouted. I heard voices and hands touching my face to find my pulse. "His pulse is slow." I felt my body being hoisted up. "Get the car. Now!" someone said and quickly brought me out. "Hang in there hyung" ...Tao?

I woke up in a hospital bed. The room was so silent. All I could hear was the beeping sound of the heart monitar. I sighed in relief that I wasn't dead. Yet. But since I had two attacks in a day, I somehow think I'll leave soon. I shook my head to stop thinking about it. "You're awake." I heard someone say. I looked to my left to see Xiumin hyung. "Hyung.." I mummbled. "Everyone is at the carnival." he informed me. "Shouldn't you get going?" I asked him. He looked at his watch and back at me. "I still have a bit more time." he told me and smiled. I smiled back at him. "Hyung.. Can you give me my phone."I asked him. He shook his head disagreeing. "Ah, waeyo?!" I asked him disbeliefed. "The doctor said don't." he informed. "Fine.. Then can you help type?" I asked sheepisly. "Type what?"he asked suspicious. "Something for {Y/N}. I'll tell you what to write hyung. Don't worry." I assured. He nodded and went to take my phone. He sat back and went to my message with her. I told him what to write. It wasn't long but just right? Maybe. He read it back at me incase he misses out things or what. "Great. Thanks hyung . Oh don't send it." I told him. "Waeyo?" he asked puzzeled. "Just don't . Save it as a draft." I assured him. "Okay. I have to go now. Bye bro. Take care." he wished me. "Thanks hyung. Oh and hyung, don't tell any of the other classmates especially {Y/N}." I asked him. He nodded and waved goodbye. "Chen.." he called out before going out. "Nae hyung." I said. "Promise me you won't leave me." he said and looked at me with sadden eyes. "I'll try.." I said. He sighed and nodded. "I'll leave now." he said and left. "Sorry hyung. I can't promise you" I mummbled to myself. All alone now. Sighh..I just laid in my bed staring out the window. I saw some kids playing around. "It reminds me of ..us.." I said. All the memories started coming back. Everything that happened between the three of us. Everthing, from the day we all meet till now. A tear fell on my blanket. I sniffeled. I looked at my phone, remembering our conversation. 'Than blaming others, think about what you've done.' her words kept ringing in my head. "I'm only good at that..that's why..I'm only good..at blamming..others." I shuttered as I spoke to myself. I quickly wiped the tears away. "Stop it Chen." I told myself. Beep, my phone rang. "Sorry doc, but I'm using the phone." I took it and unlocked it. I received a message from Suho hyung. 'Get better. Now just rest,okay? ^^' I decided to call him cause I was too lazy to write. "Nae hyung." I said. "Oh Chen! Aren't you supposed to rest." he asked. "Aish, I rested. Uhm, hyung. Can I talk to Xiumin hyung for a bit." "You called me to talk to him.Aish.Okay." "Cry baby..." I mummbled. "Nae Chen." "Hyung..If I ever go, pass my phone to {Y/N} with the message." I said and quickly ended the call. I did that cause I didn't want to hear give me a lecture about not giving up in life. Well I'm not. It just depends on the condition of my heart. No I don't mean in like those heart broken thingy. I literally have a heart condition. I don't really want to talk about it.

As I fell asleep I felt a sudden pain. The pain I got as I got a heart attack. And its happening again. I clenched my heart area. I used my other hand to find the remote to call for the nurse. Luckily I found it, I quickly pressex the button. As soon as I pressed it I felt something went wrong. I couldn't feel my heart. I stopped breathing. My brain stopped working. Everything went out. All I heard were some shouting and then my hearing went out. I presume the nurse and the doctor tried to save me bur it was too late. I'm dead.

I stood there in spirit seeing my dead body on the bed. "I'm handsome." I said. Its not like anyone will hear me. I leaned on the wall sighing. I heard a loud bang. I looked up and saw the boys. My heart broke in pieces as I saw them. Xiumin hyung quickly ran to my side. He looked at me, well my body, tears forming in his eyes. I closed his eyes crying. "I..told you..n-not to.. leave me..pabo.." he said softly. Guilt hit me."I'm sorry..hyung.." I apologised. staring at him. I saw him clenching his fist as he cried. "..you...p-promises.." he said softly. I fell onto to thw ground feeling even more guilty. He just sat there crying. The others were all around me. They are all close to me but they know Xiumin hyung is the closes. I saw Chanyeol suddenly walking out. I decided to follow him. I saw him going out the front of the hospital. He started kicking the stoned and the stuff there. "WAE?! WAE?!" he shouted. I stood there shock at my friend. He suddenly fell on his knees crying. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything.." he apologised out loud. I tried to comfort him but it doesn't work well cause I'm a spirit. Again I feel guilty. He stood up wiping his tears. "I have to brake the news to her." he said. Her?..Her!

I came back up and stood next to my body which is now covered by a white cloth. I saw Xiumin hyung holding my phone. I smiled and said thank you. I suddenly saw her coming in with Chanyeol. She looked as shocked as Xiumin hyung did. She came and sat next to me. Debating wheater to see me or what. "I'm..here.." I said feelinh tears streaming down. "No point waiting." we heard Tao said looking emotionless. I looked at Tao. And he looked in my direction. "I know you're there.." he whispered. My eyes widen in happiness yet shock. I went up to him and started to wave my hand infront of his face. But no response. Maybe he can just sense me here. sigh..

I saw Xiumin hyung give {Y/N} my phone. She quickly turned it on and saw my message. She started to cry even more. I looked at her with sadden eyes. My gazed fixed on her. Tao hugged her from the back. "Its okay [Y\N].. God will take care of Chen now. He'll forever be with us." he told her. She just sat there looking misreable. I-I'm...s-s-sorry..


Its a special chapter! Yeay! Someone asked me to write one more chapter so I did. And its the last. This is a real ending! I guess? It took a few days cause I was busy, sorry. But its finally here! I hope you continue to support the story even if I'm finished. Support this one and Who Knew? -EXO Fanfic- . I'm not asking much. Obviously its about EXO. duhh. Again, Thank you. I love all the readers and ninja readers. Thank you for your support. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Its 2014. I survived 2013! We survived! Hahaha. Okay. I'll stop. Goodbye. See you in my other fanfic.

ps: I'm going to delete the Sehun fanfic.Sorry

pps: I love all of you. Okay bye!

ppps: sorry for any grammer errors.  I'm writing on my phone thats why. Showwy! (^3^)

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