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Chanyeol waved goodbye to you and Tao. He closes the door and flops himself on the couch. He turns on the TV and watches 'Tom and Jerry'. After a few minutes, Chen,Luhan and Xiumin walks in with the stuff. "[Y/N]! We're back!" Luhan yelled. "She went out with Tao for 'lunch' "Chanyeol yells back at Luhan from the couch. Chanyeol was just laughing at the show. All three of them dump the stuff near the kitchen and joins Chanyeol. 'I should ask Chanyeol now...: Chen thought. "Chanyeol, follow me to my room for a while" Chen asked. Chanyeol gets up and follow Chen to his room. Chen closes the door behind him "Dude you remember her right?" Chen asked showing him the picture. "Of course I do. How can I forget her.Have you seen her dude?!" Chanyeol says jumping up and down. "Yes I did see her...But do you remember her name?" "Not really... Why?" "Well cause this girl is [Y/N]" Chen says bluntly. "Jinja?!" Chanyeol says in disbelief. "Don't lie Chen. [Y/N] is her??" Chanyeol askes again shacking Chen back aand forward. "Yah!! Stop that." Chen demands. Chanyeol stops. Chen felt a bit dizzy so he sat down on his bed. "And yes its really her" Chen finally answers Chanyeol's question. Chanyeol joins Chen on his bed. "And all this time she's been in our house and I never thought that [Y/N] is her" Chanyeol says pointing to your face on the picture. "I should go and talk to her!" he says jumping up from the bed. Chen nods. "Yes you should. Be grateful Channie." he advices Chanyeol. He looked a bit confused at what Chen just said. "Aish nevermind Coconut. Just go talk to [Y/N]." he tells as he tries to mess up Chanyeol's hair. Chanyeol laughs at Chen's actions. "Bend down a bit" Chen asked him to do. Chanyeol follows. Chen hits Chanyeol's head a bit. "Why do you have to be so tall, huh?" "It ain't my fault you're short" Chanyeol says in return. "Yah!! I'm taller than Suho hyung,okay?" Chen defends himself. "Yeah yeah" "Get out Chan. Go to your couch" Chen says shoving him out. Chanyeol fell outside and Chen closed the door on him. 'Sometimes what's wrong with that guy?' Chanyeol thought. He skipped to his room feeling oh so happy. "Someone is awfully happy today." Kai passes a comment as he lays in his bed. Kai and Chanyeol share a room. Chanyeol just laughed creepily. Kai looked at him starngely. "I found my long lost friend" Chanyeol tells Kai as he sits on Kai's bed. "Long lost friend? Who?" Kai asked. "I wasn't sure until Chen told me." Chanyeol replied. Kai rolled his eyes. "Typical Chanyeol hyung" he says under his breath. "What?" "Oh nothing! Please continue hyung" Kai says innocently. "This girl here is [Y/N]. She is in our class. I knew it was her but I wasn't sure." Chanyeol explains and shows Kai the picture. "You're telling me that [Y/N] is apparently Chen hyung's and hyung's long lost friend?" Kai asked curiously as he saw Chen there too. Chanyeol nods. "And now what?" Kai said. "I don't know. What do you think I should do?" Chanyeol asked Kai while looking at him. "I think you guys should catch up. I mean you haven't seen. No wait. You haven't TALK to her for quite a while. Go somewhere you guys can enjoy." Kai advices his hyung. Suddenly Chanyeol jumps up from the bed. "I know!" he says and then he quickly takes our his phone and types something. Kai tried to see but couldn't well because Chanyeol went to the top bunk and Kai was too lazy to climb uo so he didn't bother. Apparently Chanyeol was sending you a text. He started to giggle non-stop. "I'm gonna leave you here. Bye bye" Kai says getting up and leaving the room.

{A\N} YEAY!!! 10 READS!! or 25.. I was a bit confused..And I'm blur girl just so you know..anyway Thank you for reading and look forward to the other chapters! Please Share,Vote,Comment and Follow! :D Comment on what you think I can improve so I won't make mistakes in the future Chapters. Kamsahamnida. Saranghae <3 ^^

I remember but you don't{EXO Fan Fic}*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now