Are you lying?

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Chen went back to his room after eating the bread. He was just sitting there doing nothing.When Sehun walked in, Chen remembered what you told him during the call 'Oh. Ask the evil maknae.' . Chen got up and went up to Sehun."Close the door." he told the maknae. Sehun followed and closed it. "What did you do to make [Y/N] run out like that yesterday?" Chen asked him looking him in the eye. "I just asked what is her real reason here" Sehun told him. "Why?" "Cause I don't want my hyungs to get hurt." Sehun tells as he goes on the top bunk. Chen stood there. He moved towards the door. "Thank you Sehun." Chen thanks him. "I do it cause I care" Sehun tells Chen. "And if anybody hurts you, I'll be the second person to find that meany" "Why second?" "Cause Luhan hyung will be first" Chen says and smirks. He walks out of the room and goes to the kitchen. You saw him coming out. You smiled at him. 'Oh how I miss that smile' Chen thought to himself. "Shall we start now?" Xiumin asked. "I think we should." you tell. "But I'm so lazy" Chen tells as he stretches. "You're always lazy Chen. Even from young." Chanyeol passed a comment. "Yah Channie!!" Chen said wacking Chanyeol. You just smiled and shock your head.

~In The Afternoon~

"Is it like this???" Luhan asked you showing you the draft. "err.... Close enough" you tell him. "Are we done yet?" Chen complains. "You didn't do anything except just sit there and watch us do everything" Xiumin yells at him. Chen sticks his tongue out. "Can you at least help Chen" you tell. "We still need to make it you know" Luhan tells Chen. "Wait. Why are you all ganging up on me?" Chen asked looking *fake* sad. You just shock your head. Then you pushed him off his chair. "Because you're too lazy" you inform him. Luhan and Xiumin highed five with you. "Hey [Y/N] why don't me, Xiumin hyung and Luhan hyung go buy the things for the project while you stay here?" Chen suggested. "But..But.." you tried to deny. Before you could say anything else they went out the door. "Bye [Y/N]!" they say in sync. "Chanyeol,Tao and Kris are home. You have company!" Chen tells you and winks. Then they left to the shop. You just sat there doing nothing. "Oh. Hey [Y/N]." Tao greets you. "You finally woke up eh, Tao" you tell him. He laughs. "Where are the other members?" he asked you. "Well Chen,Luhan and Xiumin surprisingly wanted to go buy the things for science but the others I'm not sure." you inform him. He nods. Out of the blue you here this noise from the kitchen. "Whaaa??? They finished all the bread?" Tao screams as he finds the plastic bag empty. You looked at him in surprise. "Now what am I going to eat." he says as he sits next to you. You raise your shoulders indicating you don't know. "Eh where did the guys go?" Chanyeol came out asking. "Chen,Luhan and Xiumin "voluntered" to buy the things for science." you informed again. "Chanyeol!! Why did you finish all the bread?" Tao scolded Chanyeol,as Tao rubs his tummy in hunger. "I only ate 3 buns!" he tries to defend himself. Then they started to argue about Why you shouldn't eat so much bla bla bla. "Why don't you go out and eat?" you suggest. "Oh yeah!! Let's go [Y/N]!" Tao calls you. "But I'm not hungry." you deny."Yeah right. Let's go!" he tells as he brings you with him. Chanyeol just waved goodbye. 'When can I talk to you Coconut?' you told yourself.

Tao decided to go to this Japanese restaurant. After yoo sat down and ordered, it was silent for a while. "So.. hows the project going?" he asked. "Oh. Its going fine" you answer. He nods. "Sorry if this makes you uncomfartable but were you the girl Chanyeol always talks about. Were you his friend when you guys were younger?". You looked down. 'Does he remember me' you thought. "I guess?" you told him. "Jinja?! Let's tell Chanyeol now!" he tells you as he takes his phone out. "But he doesn't remember me." you say. He stops moving and stares at you in confusion. He put the phone down. He saw a tear forming in your eye. "He doesn't remember? But he tells me and Baekhyun all about you." he tells as he wipes the tear off your face. "Lies....Then tell me why didn't he say 'Hi [Y/N] Long time no see' or I don't know 'I missed you' or what?? cause It seems like he doesn't remember....." you tell him looking down at your hands. He noticed some scars on your arm. "You've been cutting...". You kept quite. "Maybe he remembers you but he thinks you don't remember him." he says. You didn't say anything."[Y/N] why do you cut? Its okay if you don't want to tell me" he says. "I don't feel like telling". He nods and smiles "Maybe you should ask him." he tells you as he starts to eat. You look at him. "You should try" he advices you. You nod.

~After lunch~

"Tao.. I think I'll go back. And thank you" you tell him. He hugs you tightly. "Don't harm yourself okay? Chanyeol does remember. If anything happens I'm here." he tells you. You felt comfort. You missed this kind of comfort. Both of you decided to exchange numbers. Then you both were off. You went home thinking about what Tao said. "I guess I should at least sms him?" you say.

{A\N} I'm so sorry.This chapter sucked. But is Tao telling the truth or lying to comfort you? Jeng Jeng Jeng. But seriously this chapter sucked. (_ _")

Sorry. I'll try to make the new chapter more intresting.

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