chapter 1.

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*note: i need to edit all of these chapters cause I feel they're not realistic so bare with my ass, I wrote this like way back but if you'd like, continue*

I hear a knock on the door, I wasn't expecting anybody, not like there's anybody to expect. I go to my door and look through the peep hole, a cute green eyed guy, he's probably lost.

"Uh.. Hi" I open the door, he's cute.

"Um, I'm kinda lost and my phone is dead, I was wondering if I can use your phone to ring my parents where exactly I need to go" He chuckles dryly,

"Sure, stay here" I say, he steps forward to enter but he sees me closing the door and steps back. I'm not gonna have a stranger enter my home.

I get my phone which is in the living room and walk back to the door,

"Yeah, her-" I don't finish my sentence, the man holds a cloth over my nose and mouth tightly, it wasn't wet, his hand around the back of my neck. I'm screaming, fear takes over my body, I kick him in his crotch and I start running, I don't know where but I'm running.

I run to my back yard since that's the only place that goes through my mind, I'm gonna have to jump a fence, I'm thinking to myself. My lungs burning since I don't run and all air was taken away from me a couple seconds ago.

A brick wall isn't a wall that's easy to climb but I reach to the top trying to pull myself up. My shoes getting scuffed by this action but I could care less.

"No!" He pulls me by my waist off the wall and wraps the cloth once again over my nose. I'm frightened, screaming, kicking, his front was to my back which made it easier for him to make me stay. I reach my hands up to his hair and pull on it. Anything, I'm doing anything for him to let me go.

My screams sounding muffled as he drags me into the house, tears streaming down my face. Once we're inside my house he reaches inside his coat with one hand and pulls out a syringe needle. I scream even more now, whatever serum is in the syringe obviously isn't gonna have a good effect on me.

He pulls me into a room, he takes the tap off the needle with the flick of his thumb and plunges it into my neck, I'm still screaming but before I know it everything goes black.

Harry's POV

I throw her body onto the bed that was in here, I need to move quickly. I run to the empty duffel bag that I left by the door step and back. The serum I put into Selena will make her unconscious for 4-5 hours so I have a good amount of time but her screams most likely being heard from the neighbors, are making me work faster than intended.

I know this is her room, I have to learn about my victims before I capture them. I look through her clothes, I throw anything good into the bag along with the rest of her clothes and more stuff she'll need. You see, I do this to most of my victims since I obviously don't have girls clothes and it's just less trouble later.

I get everything I need and take it into my car. Now for the girl but of course let me have a little fun.

I go back to her body and trace my fingers across her breasts, I get on top of her and pulled her v-neck lower to my liking. I leave kisses down her neck and around her chest, Selena is a dime.


I'll continue this later, I put her shirt back to it's original form and pick her up. I carry her into my car and buckle her up nice and tight.

I go back into the house and close everything, making it seem no one ever entered. Which no one did.

I live around the mountains, secluded area, you won't hear screams or shit. I just hope this long ride was worth it. Los Angeles and the Riverside mountains is a really long distance.

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