chapter 9.

852 40 3

Harry's POV

She happily swayed her hips, side to side. I chuckle, watching her. Well the ecstasy worked.

"Harry" I turn around to see who was calling me, it's Antonio, I give him a signal implying what.

"Let's have a meeting, the guys only" I nod but then I remember about the drugged girl next to me. She can't be left alone here, especially that she's practically high.

"I can't leave her by herself, I gave her the ecstasy!" He looks over at her.

"Can you just get her into a room and let her be in it?" I say to him.

"She's not an animal Harry and ecstasy doesn't work like that, she'll get out or do something dumb" He's right, I guess.

"Think of something" He says before walking away.

"Shit" I run my hand through my hair, we always do the guy time thing were we talk and just act like boys.

Selena comes over to me and grabs my jaw, bringing it to her face. "I'm bored" She leans in.

I can't leave her with any of these guys here, no, they'll take advantage of her.

I then see Perrie in the corner talking to some guy, I call her and she comes over.

"What" She groans, "I need you to take care of Selena, She's on ecstasy and us boys are gonna go up right now to chat"

"Who's Selena?" I point towards Selena who is still dancing. "My .. Friend?"

"Anyways don't let anyone get near her"

"Eh I'll probably snatch her for myself " She laughs as I give her a look.

"I'm kidding Harry, now bye"

I nod and grab Selena, introduce her to Perrie and all that stuff before going upstairs.

I don't completely trust Perrie right now because she's drinking and she gets irresponsible when she's drunk. But I'm desperate so I must.

I walk into the room to see most of the guys there, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall are here. Along with some other guys I've met in the past.

I walk over to the boys but before I grab a glass and pour whiskey into it.
I sit down and we begin talking, you know the normal.

Through most of the conversation my mind kept going to Selena and what she's doing right now, hopefully nothing bad.


After the long hour of being up there I head down and immediately go look for Selena or Perrie. I look around the area I'm at right now and she's not here.

I spot Perrie dancing with a guy, "Where's Selena!?" I rush out.

"She went to the bathroom, relax".

"What time did she go to the bathroom?" I say, anger evident in my voice.

She stops dancing with the guy as her eyes widen, fuck! I knew this was gonna happen. But I can only blame myself for leaving her with Perrie.

Her expression already gave me a hint that Selena went to the bathroom probably 20 minutes ago!

"Look Harry, she might be in the bathroom still" I shake my head before walking away quickly to the restroom.

I reach the door and I hear slight moans coming from the other side, noooo. "Hey!" I bang on the door repeatedly. I grunt and use my 'skills' to unlock the door once I do, I kick it open. When I open it I find the thing that I didn't want to see.

Selena on the sink counter with a guy eating her face off, I rip the guy off of her and throw a hit at him. He ducked it slightly but it still hit him. He pushes me before swinging and of course I get hit.

Someone outside notices our little fight and grabs the guy, taking him out of the bathroom. Both of us still shouting things at each other as he gets pulled out.

When I see him out of sight, I turn my attention to Selena. She stares at the ceiling and I close the door.

"What the bloody hell Selena!" I yell causing her to jump and look at me.

"I leave you and I come back to you making out with some random guy!" I continue to yell at her as she looks at me somewhat innocently. I notice her lip is bleeding, I swear to-

"Why are you bleeding on your lip" I say as I walk over to her. She stares down at her lip and shrugs. "I don't know".

I should be the only one with a bleeding lower lip right now. If that guy hurt her, I'll kill him. I'm surprised I didn't earlier.

I grab her chin and wipe the blood off with my thumb smearing it off the corner of her lip. I then wash my hand and grab a towel, wet it, and dab it on the spot of the cut.

"Did he hurt you Selena?" I say in a low voice.

"No.. I don't think so.. I think I just.. " She looks for her words. Nope, what other way could she have bruised her lip!?

"Selena" I look at her, sternly.

"I honestly don't remember what happened, my mind is... fuzzy right now, I don't even remember what I did 30 minutes ago" She looks back at me with her brown eyes full of honesty, like how they are most of the time.

I look away and back to the lip, I continue to clean it up. "Look Selena, if he did something to you, just tell me, I'll make sure he doesn't do it again"

I finish cleaning up her lip, it needs a bandage but there's none here. "Your lip is still bleeding" She gets off the counter and turns us around so now I'm against the counter and she's in front of me. She grabs a towel and also starts cleaning my lip.

"Selena, you don't have to do this, I can do it myself"

"I know you can but you did mine, it's good to return the favor" I stiffen at her touch, I'm still not quite happy with her.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made out with the guy" I don't say anything.

She looks at me, those brown puppy eyes once again. I shouldn't have looked at them, her eyes hold a control over me, they can make a man get on his knees and beg, beg for whatever forgiveness he thinks he owes her.

I find myself still looking at them, I can't stay mad at her. No matter, how hard I'll try, I can't.

"You're forgiven" I speak up, my voice creaks.

She weakly smiles at me before hugging me, I take a second before wrapping my arms around her.

Huh, Brown & Green.

Heyyyy! Well another long update, I have nothing to else to say honestly.

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