chapter 8.

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"Do you want some toast?" Zayn asked me, "please" I reply.

Harry takes a seat next to me and Zayn takes a seat also. We begin to eat our food until Zayn speaks up.

"Harry, did you hear that Antonio is throwing a party? All of us are going and I'm hoping you go too" Zayn takes a bite of his toast.

"I don't know mate, I have Selena with me" He looks over at me.

"So? You know his party's are secretive and exclusive, there's basically security every corner" I'm really confused at this point, is Antonio a friend that's like them?

"I'll see mate, when is the party?"

"Well today's Saturday so tonight" Harry nods and continues eating. After we finished eating, Zayn left back to his house.


"Selena we're going to that party Zayn talked about so go get ready" He walked into the room and looked through his drawer as I walked into the bathroom.

I take a shower and step out, drying my body. I walk out the bathroom, with the towel around me still.

"Harry, I don't have any dressy-type clothes!" I whine, he groans before he replies,

"Yes you do, I grabbed a dress and other girly things when I went the other day" He walks over into the closet and reaches on top of the shelf, pulling out a bag.

He hands it to me and I look into it, it had to be this dress. I mean, the dress is gorgeous I just think it's so overdressed for a party.

The bag also contained my makeup bag and other things that I'm pretty sure I'll need.

He goes in the bathroom after giving me the bag. I take the dress out and lay it on the bed.

I do my best to look presentable since I don't really have the things I need to actually look good.

I finish curling the last strand, Harry walks out the bathroom, towel hanging low on his torso. I walk over to my dress and turn around seeing him smirking at me, he approaches me and wraps his hand around my waist, pulling me close.

He pulls me in for a kiss, smirk visible through it. "Not going to that party seems really tempting right now" He says, pulling away.

"Well I got all dressed up so we might as well go" I get out of his embrace and walk back over to the dress picking it up.

"Fine but you owe me" he says and starts to look for the clothes he's going to wear.

Underneath my towel right now are just my undergarments so I throw the towel to the side and slip off my bra, the dress I'm wearing required me to not have it on.

I grab my dress and carefully slip it on, not wanting to rip it. After fixing it so it looked right, I grab the lotion and apply some on my legs and arms.

I look over at Harry to find him changed, he's fixing his hair and I stare at him. His hair looks so good and I'm dying to know how he makes it look like that.

"What?" He suddenly asks and I get pulled out of my trance, "Nothing, I just like your hair"

"Who doesn't?" He grins.

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