chapter 19.

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He skims through the mail, his eyes scanning the papers. It feels cozier here I must say, I lay back on the velvet sofa. I flicker over the TV channels, bored out of my mind.

"You're always on top of the mail, don't know why, it's mostly all just grocery store coupons" I say aloud to him.

"I like being aware of what is being sent to our home, can be something important or not" He replies walking over to the sofa I'm on and sitting beside me.

We've been here a week already and I've got to say, I feel quite cozy here. Harry calls at least once every other day, his voice is what keeps me going. I really don't want to be separated from him but apparently I have to right now.

Zayn has also been so supportive here, he's always making sure if I'm comfortable. He likes to have as I say 'therapeutic talks' with me at least every night.

We sit on this couch up until he mentions the fact that we should eat. I tell him I can cook right now while he goes to shower. He agrees with me and leaves.

I stand in the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients I need to make tacos out. I start with the meat, letting it cook in the pan.

I wash my hands and as I attempt to throw away a paper napkin, I see that the trash can is full. I take it outside and throw it away.

As I'm walking back to the front door, I see something small and furry running in the grass. Next thing I know, an adorable pup is at my feet. I don't hesitate at all to bend down and pet it.

"Awww" I continue petting the pup until I hear a voice.

"Wow, he just runs off whenever he gets the chance" the woman laughs.

"Yea, he's really adorable though, what's his name?" I stand up with the puppy in my arms.

"Uno" She looks at me, smiling. She has tan skin and brown eyes, she's very pretty.

"Aww uno" I pass him to his owner and say my goodbyes to him.

"Are you the new neighbor? My name is Christina by the way" She continues smiling and waits for me to answer.

"Yea I've just moved in, my name is Selena, nice to meet you".

"Welcome to the neighborhood, are you living in that big house on your own?" She questions me and I feel panic coming over me because I haven't had small talk with anyone recently.

"No actually, I live here with my.. husband" i attempt to hide my hand because i obviously don't have a wedding ring.

"Ohh, you and your husband should come over some time and have dinner with us" I was about to question her but then I hear Zayn speak.

"Honey? Hey, I was looking for you" he walks over to me and hooks his arm around my shoulder.

"Christina, this is my husband, but we should get going because I'm currently cooking something so have a nice day!" I rush out and we bid our goodbyes. Finally closing the door behind us. Wow, don't remember small talk being so exhausting.

"Husband??" Zayn laughs, I give him a glare before returning to the kitchen. I wash my hands before serving up some tacos for Zayn and I.

I'm sitting on my bed when Zayn comes in, telling me Harry's on the line. I quickly get the phone and greet him. "Harry, I've missed you so much" I cheerfully say.

"I've missed you too Selena, you know I do" he replies, his voice sounding so beautiful.

"Yes I know that you love me, I want you to know that I love you more than you can ever imagine" He goes quiet for a second.

HEY YALL! Omg I haven't opened this book in like 7 years 😭 I am a whole woman now and I made this book when I was so much younger. I am sorry for not continuing the story I remember being younger and when I was writing this I thought of so many plot lines and ways to end the book, so sad that I never actually finished it </3
This chapter was a draft I had saved since 2018 but I will just publish it just to let whoever is reading this know that although I do not agree with many of the things preteen me wrote, I wanted to put something out to basically close this book for good. I haven't really read much of this book but i feel like i have read enough 😬 lmao.
I am not in that same mindset I was in to finish this book, I know I used to hate it when my favorite books would get cancelled and not be updated but honestly things happen and life moves on. In another universe I would have finished this book with Zaylena being end game and Harry going to prison/d word. I honestly think that's what I was leaning towards the end of the chapters.
Wattpad was a great place where younger me could escape and read all of my favorite fanfics, so I will always look back at this phase of my life with a lot of love.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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