chapter 7.

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"So how do you know Harry?" I ask Zayn.

"We've been friends since grade school and well the rest is history" We sit on the couch as the tv plays reruns of 'Friends'.

"Has Harry always been so..." I stop my sentence to find the right words,

"Grim? But no he was a cheeky lad but things changed" He laughs at the beginning. I laugh along with him even though that wasn't the word I was looking for.

"So Selena tell me about yourself"

"There's not that much to know about me" I chuckle and he playfully gives me a look.

"Oh come on, what's your favorite musical artist?" He picks a random question.

"Well, Lana Del Rey" I say, "See, there is much to know about you" He grins and I shrug.

"I'm quite hungry Selena, what do you guys have to eat here" He says and stands up, me following his actions.

We walk into the kitchen and Zayn starts going through the fridge. He grabs out some cheese and places it on the counter then he goes into the cabinet and takes out a loaf of bread.

"You down for some grilled cheese sandwiches??" He looks up at me, I smile and nod as I go get a pan.

After making the sandwiches and eating them, we decided to go back into the living room to watch a movie.

I grab a blanket for us because it's kinda cold in here. I pull it over my body and Zayn does the same. Zayn looks through the channels and stops when he sees the movie 'Scarface'. It's a good movie, I've seen it before.

"What about this?" He questions looking at me, "that's fine" I smile.

He sits back and we both start watching the movie. He now and then adds comments about the movie that make me die of laughter. Zayn really is a nice and funny person to hang out with.

The night wired down and we both end up falling asleep on the couch.


I get woken up by a yank of my arm, making me stumble because I'm still asleep. I hit something and I look around, feeling dizzy.

"What the fuck Zayn!" Harry says as Zayn sits up, looking confused as well.

"What Harry!" I yell, wide awake now due to the screaming.

"You and Zayn where cuddled up together, for fucks sake!" He screams once again.

"Look mate nothing happened, don't take it out on her okay, I was the one sleeping on her shoulder" Zayn stands up.

"That doesn't make it sound any better lad" Harry grits his teeth as he begins to move closer to Zayn.

"Stop Harry! Nothing fucking happened!" I stand in front of him trying to stop him from moving over to Zayn.

He pushes me out the way and I fall back, "Harry! Don't push her" Zayn shouts standing in front of me, he grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"You okay, love?" He looks me in the eyes and I nod. He turns back around and I see Harry glaring at him. Why is this so extra!

I pull Harry away before anything else happens. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I say to him. He clenches his jaw, "Oh 'what's wrong with me' well Selena if you haven't found out you were both so close together when I found you two, it's kinda hard not to think that something didn't happen!" He screeches at me.

"Well Harry nothing happened! Trust me please" I look at him, staring into his eyes for him to stop screaming so I can also, and of course believe me.

"Why where you guys in that position then?!" He crosses his arms.

"We were sleeping, nobody knows what they're doing when they sleep"

He still looks at me sternly, looking for a lie in my eyes. He sighs as his hand goes into his hair.

"I'm sorry" He says in a low voice.

"Say that to Zayn also" He looks down, "And thank you for the apology".

We both walk back into the living to find Zayn with his head in his hands, sitting down.

"Zayn, I'm sorry for overreacting and yelling at you" Harry sighs once again as Zayn looks up.

"It's ok just trust me mate, I wouldn't do anything of that sort"

"I do trust you it's just my mind is full of crazy scenarios and things" Zayn nods, after a moment they grin at each other and hug.

"Well mate it's 4:30 in the morning, I'm gonna go to sleep" Zayn says and walks upstairs.

I look over at Harry, motioning him for us to go to sleep too. He nods and we both make our way upstairs...

Hey! Anyways yea there's that chapter!


Thanks for reading 💞

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