chapter 2.

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"Here eat" He motions the bowl of cereal towards me."You poisoned it, didn't you" I don't trust him.

"I'll poison you later, now eat" I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not hungry because I am.

Harry puts his hand on top of my thigh and I shift in my seat, jumping even due to his hand being cold. I give him a look implying to move his hand but he tightens his grip, not one that'll leave a bruise but if he continues it sure will.

I look sternly into his eyes and he does the same to mine. A sigh leaves his mouth and he let's go of my thigh, walking to the living room where he sits down and pulls his phone out.

I turn back to my cereal and continue to eat it.


I hug my pillow tighter as lay in my bed locked up inside the room Harry gave me. I have nothing better to do but be depressed here, I told myself not to cry anymore since it won't do anything good for me.

A huge bang fills the room, I look up and see Harry standing there, "Shit, I was looking for you!" He runs his hand through his hair. I turn back around and continue hugging my pillow.

"Did you not fucking hear me??? I'm speaking to you, Selena!" He says with a loud tone. "I hear you, now please leave me alone" I speak with no emotion in my voice.

He sighs and I hear the door bang.


(3 weeks later)

Selena's POV

I'm going crazy. Every fucking day is the same as the last. A small piece of me is hoping they'll come and find me soon but I have nobody, nobody that cares for me, that loves me.

Imagine being that one person that everyone doesn't acknowledge, that people just think little of. Well that's me. I don't matter to anyone.

Everyday for the past weeks I've cried. No matter how much I've told myself not to, I did. Knowing I won't ever get out of here and how I'm being held hostage by a man that's so cruel.

I'm a doll in his playhouse, doing what he tells me, I'm just a toy to him. My head is pounding as I sit in the corner, knees pressed against my chest.

I want to get out of here. Out of this damn house and back home. I already tried escaping and failed. I rather not say what was my punishment for trying to escape.

Do I have to fucking kiss ass to him?! Not literally. I think more into this idea. I heard him say once he just wants to feel important to someone but that's most likely bull shit. But If I make him fall in love me, he'll probably let me go, does this guy even know the emotion 'love'. I have nothing to lose at this point.

If I want to get out of here I have to do it the 'right' way.


"Well look who came out of hibernation" He gives me a wicked smile. I laugh at his poor joke, "Very funny" I sit close to him on the couch.

He looks at me, shocked that I gave him any communication besides 'Ok'. He smirks and puts his hand on my thigh, I smile showing no sign of annoyance (even tho I want to).

"I don't know what happened to you or what you took but I like it" He squeezes my thigh and continues his focus on his laptop screen.

I smile and look up at the ceiling since I'm not allowed to look at Harry's screen.

I hope this plan goes well. Not only do I have to open up to him but I also have to make Harry open up to me.

It's 5:13 as the clock on the wall says, "What are we going to eat for dinner?" I say and grab his hand from my thigh and play with it.

"I don't know, I was thinking of pasta" I shrug and put his hand back on my thigh.


I finish washing the dishes like I always do and walk over to Harry who's sitting down on the sofa. I sit next to him once again. "What are you doing?" I say, debating something I'm thinking of.

"Regular things" He says and looks at me. I look back and think about what I'm about to do. I cup his face and bring his lips to mine, kissing him roughly. I straddle his lap and he starts to take control.

I break the kiss to breathe and Harry starts on my neck, he begins by biting, sucking, and kissing it. I continue to roll my hips against him. He groans and picks us up, he goes towards the staircase and since I don't want to fall, I remove his head from my chest and I start to kiss on the side of his neck. He takes us both up the stairs and I continue on leaving sloppy kisses around his neck.

We enter his room and he lays me on the bed, he takes his shirt off and gets on top of me. I clutch his jaw and bring his lips to mine. He kisses me intensely and goes lower, reaching my neck and kisses once again. He grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it off, leaving me in my bra.

I flip us over so I'm straddling him, his eyes filled with lust and darkness. I trail kisses from his neck to his torso and back to his lips. His hands skims my waist and move upward. Us looking intently at each other and panting.

His hand hovers over my bra clip, am I really gonna go through this?! Might as well.

He takes it off and smiles, staring hard. His hands slide over my stomach and up to my breasts. He turns us over him taking dominance once again. He pulls off my shorts and throws them to the side.

He kisses every exposed part of my body then comes back up to my lips and kisses me again. I feel him hard against me, it's pretty obvious to tell. He stands up and unbuckles his belt, sliding it off..

Ok so this was my first time writing somewhat smut and sorry if it's bad, i tried to make it clear to what they're doing. So Yea and I updated so that is good!

Anyways I hope you like it, I tried something new and i also got so emo writing the part of where Selena talks about not having anybody!

That's all and I'll try to update as soon as possible, please COMMENT btw I like to know your feedback and reaction to some parts also VOTE!

Thanks for reading.

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