chapter 5.

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I guess tattoos is a thing we have in common. Again as the previous night we are talking about tattoos, this time about his, while I sit on his lap facing him.

I'm trying to get him to open up to me through his tattoos, no one really gets tattoos without a meaning to it.

"Why do you have an iced gem tattoo?" I smile and somewhat giggle. I seen it peeking through his T-shirt.

"No reason" He grins at me. I slump my shoulders playfully, "Come on, Harry". I place my hands on his chest and continue to stare at him.

"Well Selena to be fair, you didn't want to tell me about your tattoos meanings" He smirks, thinking he has a good comeback which honestly it kinda was.

"Ok I'll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours"

"You must go first" he says and I nod. I pull out my pinky in front of him.

"Promise to tell the truth?" He locks his pinky with mine, "Promise".

I bit my lip trying to see how I'm going to word this since I never told this to anybody because I had no one to tell. I take a deep breath, telling myself not to cry because this is a touchy topic.

"So, the one on my rib is about my depression at the time and how I had to always put on a fake smile......I was expected to be happy because I got into a great college but I just wasn't" My voice got lower and weaker.

"So I did put on a fake smile and on the outside I looked like a happy normal girl but on the inside I was breaking..... just months befo-" I let out a small sob, Harry pulling me closer.

"My dad did something horrible.... He wasn't stable at the time and one afternoon before I had to go to work, there was screaming, as usual but this time the outcome was different....way different" My voice cracked more and more, I don't want to cry but I know I am.

"I was finishing my homework and I heard gun shots, I was afraid at first... But than I realized my parents are downstairs so I ran down.... Only to find my mother on the floor, lifeless" I sob, tears streaming down my face, talking about that day.

"You don't have to tell me the rest.." He said to me, rubbing my back. But I want to tell him, I've kept my emotions inside of me and I just want to let it out. "No, I need to say this".

"I ran over to her body, screaming over and over 'what did you do to her' ... "


I pull my moms body closer to me,

"Wake up!" I scream over and over, rocking both of us. Her blood getting on me but I didn't care, I just want my mommy.

"Selena move away from your mom and go upstairs!" My dad screamed at me.

"No! Kill me, I don't care anymore! I just want to die" Tears flooding down my face.

I continued to try and bring her back to life but she was too gone and I just didn't want to believe that.

"Police! Don't move" They broke through the door as I kept rocking back and forth with my mom in my arms.

"Drop the gun!" I looked over to my dad, he stares back at me and mouths a 'goodbye' before pointing the gun to his head and firing it. I scream as I see my dad fall to the floor, sobbing even more.

Both of my parents now lie on the floor, dead. I'm screaming and crying as the police stand at the door frozen. After a couple of seconds some start to check around the house. I just want to die everything that ever mattered in my life is gone, gone.

*end of flashback*

I was bawling into Harry's chest after I told him the story but I feel relieved. I still want to get a tattoo for them but I don't know what it'll be.

"It's ok, don't cry" he spoke softly as he hugged me tightly.

We stayed there in each other's embrace until I was finished sobbing.

"You good?" He looks me in the eye while he rubs up and down the side of arms. I nod and take a deep breath.

"Ok, I guess I'll tell you about mine" He chewed on his bottom lip, thinking.

"Well the iced gem tattoo is a nickname I gave my sister... I loved her very much, she meant the world to me.." He stops for a second, "We have something in common Selena, all the people we love and care about... Die" His voice is low and somewhat trying to be stern.

"My mum and sister were killed horribly... The guy who did it had no regret in him whatsoever but I sure made him change his mind" I go in for a tight hug and he seems taken back by it at the moment. He than hugs me back and this time it feels real and vulnerable. This is his vulnerable side.

"If you hated what the guy did.. Why repeat his action? Why become someone like him" I stare at him.

"I don't know... but it's to late for me to change and live normally, I'm too corrupt now" I just hug him once again and we stay like that, in each other's arms.

Ok sorry for not updating, school is happening rn so I don't stay up late anymore and yea hope u liked this chapter! They both showed their vulnerable side.

Anyways please VOTE & COMMENT!  Thanks for reading 💕💕💕

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