chapter 17.

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"Where exactly are we going?" I question Zayn as he drives.

"Well we're gonna go get a change of clothes then we're gonna keep driving till I get the message that we're clear" I don't want to continue asking questions so I just stay silent.

After driving for what seemed like forever Zayn stops at this apartment complex. He leads the way and a couple flights of stairs later we're at his secret apartment, as he told me.

"Ok throw this on" He passes me some sweats and a hoodie. I quickly change into the clothes and Zayn does the same. After he finishes he starts looking around for some things, he grabs a little bag and stuffs the items consisting of wads of money and a journal into this backpack.

"Let's go" I follow him out and back onto the road we go. He reaches out to the glove compartment in front of me, ruffling through the papers until he finds what he's looking for. A gun.

Guns don't really frighten me anymore. Considering I was in a whole gun war, guns don't scare me like before.

He places the gun in the backpack as he drives, I lean the seat all the way back, wanting to take a nap. Instead though, my mind starts questioning everything.



"Tell me the truth, do you know what's gonna happen to me?"

"What do you mean"

"I mean, am I ever gonna be me again? Am I ever gonna live a normal life?" I know the answer to that one, nope, it's too late to live a normal life.

"I don't know Selena.. ask Harry"

"I can't! He always gets mad at me whenever I bring up these kinds of questions!"

"Well, are you that same girl, Harry took 10 months ago? Ask yourself that"

I start to think, am I?

No, I'm not.

There are both pros and cons to the new me. One pro thing is that I'm confident in myself, I feel good about myself. I'm no longer shy, insecure, and naive. I'm strong. I'm just like other girls now. Strong. Wow.

All it took was a life or death situation for me to wake up. I don't think I can be my old self again, I don't want to be. I want to be strong.

"No I'm not, I'm not the same girl" I reply after having that discussion in my head.

"Good thing or bad thing?"


"Well if you've changed for the better, that's all that matters."

"Yea but I wish it didn't have to be this way, I wish I didn't have to go through those 10 months but everything happens for a reason, right?".


"Zayn, I'm glad I met you. You're a good friend"

"I'm glad I met you Selena, even though there's so many things for me to be negative about, you always put a smile on my face" .

I sigh, if only things where different....

Super short chapter but I hoped you liked it. I wanted to have a chapter where selena questions herself and I'm glad I did it.

Anyways thanks for reading 💓
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