chapter 11.

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(Weeks later)

Harry asked me out on a 'date' last night and well the plan is we're gonna have our date here in which I'm fine with. So I'm supposed to get ready right now but I don't know exactly what my strategy will be.

I decided on putting my hair down in its straight form. I wear a tight peach dress that reaches my just above my knees. I feel like it's missing something so I add on one of Harry's jean jackets and it's perfect.

I walk downstairs and I see Harry rushing out the bathroom buttoning up his flannel. I observed as he still buttoned it up while stirring whatever was in the pot.

I chuckle under my breath before actually entering the kitchen. He turns around once he hears me and smiles. "You look gorgeous" I blush and look down. "Thank you".

He comes over to me and wraps his arms around me, I do the same.

"Well sit down and I'll grab our plates" He grins and turns back to the stove. I do as I'm told and sit down, looking at the way Harry plates the food.

"Chicken fettuccine Alfredo" He passes me my plate and sits down with his.

We start eating and talking about random things that aren't supposed to be interesting but ended up being due to Harry.

"Selena, tell me something I don't know about you and I'll do the same next" I nod and think, well he practically knows everything. We would spend nights talking to each other about everything basically, he's like the friend I never had. One night in particular made me change my mind about him.

I understood him and it's very difficult to hate someone once you understand them. He told me how he was torn by the death of his family, he was in pain and I got that. I felt that.

"Well my middle name is Marie" I shrug, he chuckles, "I know that already silly". "Um I don't like seafood" I reply. He nods and starts, "I have a secret spot out in the back where I used to love watching the stars and no one knows about it".

"Really, that seems nice" I reply.

"Yea, let's go back there, shall we?"

"Wait, right now?" He nods so I stand up and follow him out the back door.

"Harry wait up" I speed walk to him and grab his hand so i don't get lost out here. It's so big and there's so many trees.

We walk for about 4 minutes until we meet a nice scenery, the trees all surrounded this spot where just a hammock was. It was honestly a very calming area, there's little daisies all over the ground.

"Oh my god, look at the stars, they look so close" I beam up at them as I feel Harry's gaze on me.

"Well lay down" he gestures towards the hammock and I gladly do get on it. "Come join me" I call as he walks over and lays down, his arms around my shoulders as I snuggle closer to his body.

I continue to stare in awe at the stars, "you really like them, don't you?" He looks down at me, "I do, they shine so bright". "Just like your eyes do when you look at them" he mumbles before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"They're beautiful" I state, living in a big city like Los Angeles with lights all over dimmed the ones in the sky. But out here everything is so visible, we're in the middle of nowhere so no lights but the stars and the moon.

"Like you" He mumbles.

It stays silent for awhile till I decide to get a conversation going. "So whatcha wanna talk about?" He hums implying he's thinking.

"You know what, you never got to tell me about your first time" He smirks. I shake my head, "Why do you wanna know about that?" Tonight's supposed to be about us.

"I don't know, I just want to know the situation"

"Well it was horrible" Now that I think back at it, how could I have been so naive and vulnerable?

"You don't have to tell me then" He combines my hand with his.

"It's fine, it's good to get out things" It's true, I've held this in me for a long time.

"Well for starters, it wasn't what I had imagined my first to turn out like" This story is honestly something out of a lifetime movie.

"Well as you know, I wasn't really social in high school, so of course i didn't have a boyfriend" I start, "I honestly should've known it was set up from the beginning, the guy came out of nowhere and started talking to me, I thought I finally made a friend, it also didn't get more obvious that he was one of the most popular guys in the school" Like what would a guy like him want anything to do with me.

"Well we started talking and then he decided to take me out on a date, in which I said yes and it was like that till the 3rd one when he decided we should hang out at his house, so my naive hormonal teen self went and everything felt great, until we went into his room, I didn't want to do anything but watch movies like he said we would but things escalated, I felt sort of peer pressured into doing it but nonetheless I went along with it" I still hate myself for that.

"After that night he wouldn't answer or reply to my calls and texts and that's where I thought, I did something wrong, he shriveled up my thoughts making me think I did something, so Monday came along and I decided to go up to him and tell him what happened, I told him and he laughed in my face saying we were nothing, I was nothing, and that night was a bet, a bet he won" I sighed, how stupid could I've been?

But that's the past and I have to learn from it, I'm not going to cry about this event because this one I managed to somewhat keep it going and I shouldn't have.

He hugged me tighter, "That guy is a asshole and a bastard, you're not nothing Selena and I want you to know that" He looks into my eyes, his jaw clenched. Implanting what he said into me.

I just bite my lower lip and look away, Harry really is something.

"I mean it" He brings my face back up to look at him, he opens his mouth to say something but he doesn't, he closes it and sighs.

"Can you tell me his full name?" He speaks up.

"No, sorry" I can't tell him the guys name, Harry might track him down or something.

"Please, I just want to know" He looks at me, oh God.

"His name is Jonathan something.. I'm sorry I don't really remember considering this was 5 to 6 years ago" I say in reverie.

We go back into a comfortable silence, I continue to stare up at the sky, the crickets chirping in the background.

"Knock knock" Harry says out of nowhere.

"Who's there?"

"Justin" He chortles.

"Justin who?"

"Just in time for the party" He laughs out. That joke wasn't really funny but I'll pretend it is, I laugh along with him.

"I have the best jokes" he states proudly and I look at him, admiring his smile and his laugh. His dimples popping out, eyes shining green, the curly hair, everything about him. It's all nicotine and I got addicted.

I updated!!!

Anyways thanks for reading 💞 Please VOTE & COMMENT!!

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